Celebrities With Interesting Hobbies
We all have our hobbies, whether we're collecting buttons, have an extensive stamp collection, or have far too many issues of Marvel Comics—some of us have first editions of those (and they're worth a lot of money). You might not think of celebrities as having much use for a hobby.
For some celebs, though, their hobbies are an escape from the "real world" a chance to indulge in a passion project rather than being mired in work. That's certainly true for these celebs. Here are some of the most interesting hobbies of celebrities.
Vin Diesel: Dungeons and Dragons
Vin Diesel may be the strongman mentor in film series like The Fast And The Furious, but he's a huge Dungeons and Dragons nerd. He even read the foreword to 30 Years of Adventure (2004) and has a D&D character, Melkor.
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Beyonce Knowles: Beekeeping & Honey Making
One of Beyonce's little-known passion projects is making honey. In a 2020 interview with British Vogue, Beyonce told fans that she has around 80,000 bees and makes hundreds of jars of honey yearly. Beyonce reportedly began making her own honey for her two daughters, who have plenty of allergies, citing honey's healing properties.
Raph_PH, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Stephen Colbert: Anything & Everything Tolkien
If Peter Jackson calls you a fantasy nerd, you must be one. Jackson reportedly thinks that Colbert is "the biggest Tolkien geek I've ever met." Colbert's hobby has gotten him places in the Tolkien world—he was gifted Aragon's sword by Viggo Mortensen and had a cameo role in The Hobbit (2012). We wonder what Colbert thinks of the new Game of Thrones spin-off, House of The Dragon.
Montclair Film Festival, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Robin Williams: Gaming
Robin Williams made us laugh until we cried for almost four decades. Many might not know that one of the funniest men on the planet was also an avid gamer. He enjoyed playing many different game styles from D&D to Call of Duty. His favorite was The Legend of Zelda. He loved Zelda so much that he named his daughter after the game.
Eva Rinaldi, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Nicolas Cage: Superman Superfan
Nicolas Cage is a huge Superman fan. Despite never playing the character, instead opting for a skeletal motorcyclist in Ghost Rider (2007), Cage loves Superman. So much so that he bought the first comic book that Superman appeared in, selling it for $2.1 million in 2011. He has a son, Kal El (Superman's Kryptonian name).
nicolas genin, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Nicole Kidman: Skydiving
Nicole Kidman loves to drop out of a perfectly good airplane while attached to a parachute. She even has a skydiving license. She's told the Telegraph that it's the "closest thing to flying."
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Margot Robbie: Harry Potter Imposter
When Margot Robbie was younger, she was such a huge Harry Potter nerd that she lied about needing glasses, just to look like her favorite character—Harry Potter, of course. Fun fact: Robbie's husband,Tom Ackerley, was an extra in The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004).
Henry Cavill: World of Warcraft
While Nicolas Cage may have been miffed that he wasn't picked to play Superman, Henry Cavill missed the phone call to tell him that he had been cast, because he was deep in a World of Warcraft gaming session at the time. However, Cavill was ecstatic to have been cast as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher.
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Paris Hilton: Hunting Frogs
Hilton confirmed that she hunts frogs on her ranch in Oakland, California while in conversation with The Sun newspaper. "I love hunting frogs. I go to my ranches. I have one near Oakland, California, and I own an island. So I catch frogs, put them in a bucket, and then let them go." Simple pleasures and all that. At least she's not cooking them.
Brad Pitt: Pottery
Brad Pitt loves to throw around some clay—far more skilled than that, he even launched his exhibit of large clay sculptures at the Sara Hilden Art Museum in Tampere, Finland in 2022, alongside musician Nick Cave and British sculpture artist Thomas Houseago.
Glenn Francis, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Will Smith: Fencing
Will Smith is adept with a sword. He and Tom Cruise reportedly train together often as part of "keeping active as they get older", according to Smith.
Taylor Swift: Making Snowglobes
Taylor Swift is just so wholesome, isn't she? The music star loves to create homemade snowglobes for her friends and family at Christmas. She uses mason jars, antiques, and glitter to craft her Christmas gifts.
iHeartRadioCA, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Mary-Kate Olsen: Showjumping
Mary-Kate Olsen is a very adept horse rider and even participates in showjumping equestrian activities. Olsen started showjumping when she was just six years old.
Mike Tyson: Pigeon Raising, Training, and Racing
You wouldn't think that Mike Tyson has a soft spot for, well, anything—but he does. Specifically, pigeons. He reportedly attends a pigeon pageant every year in Canada and spends a great deal of time raising, training, and maintaining his birds, who race in the pageant annually. I wouldn't want to dispute a Tyson win, though.
Paula R. , CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Jennifer Garner: Saxophone Specialist
You'd never have thought that "Elektra" herself was a saxophonist on the side, but Garner is! She plays the saxophone regularly and played beautifully for Reese Witherspoon on her birthday.
Andrew Garfield: Gymnastics & Stamp Collecting
The dashing Andrew Garfield is an accomplished gymnast—entering the sport at an early age. He can still do a backflip, as he demonstrated for charity on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. And I pull something if I turn my back the wrong way. Garfield is also an avid stamp collector.
Ryan Gosling: Knitting
Who'd have thought that Ryan Gosling liked to knit? That's how Gosling would spend his perfect day, according to an interview he gave to GQ Australia. "You get an oddly shaped, off-putting scarf at the end of the day," he said.
Raffi Asdourian, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Leslie Mann: Unicycling
One wheel is better than two if you're Leslie Mann. After receiving a unicycle as a gift at 10 years old, Mann taught herself to do tricks like curb-jumping and unicycling backward. Impressive.
Tom Hanks: Vintage Typewriter Collecting
Who doesn't love a good vintage typewriter? Tom Hanks is a fan—so much so that he collects them. They're probably very old and in very good shape. He got his first model when he was 19 and has been collecting them ever since, amassing over 500.
Claudia Schiffer: Collecting Insects
Okay, so this one is a little strange, but we're going to allow it. When she's not collecting front-page covers for fashion magazines, Claudia Schiffer collects insects. When she was a child, Schiffer's collection was only spiders but has since expanded all manner of our many-legged friends. She even has an insect encyclopedia.
nicolas genin, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Rod Stewart: Model Railways
Far less weird than Claudia's insect collecting—Rod Stewart is an enthusiast for model railways. Such an enthusiast that he built a 100-foot model of New York's Central Station and made a documentary about it.
Susan Sarandon: Ping Pong
Susan Sarandon has been playing ping-pong for years. She even partnered with a New York City organization called SPIN, which provides ping pong tables and paddles to underprivileged parts of the city.
Nick Offerman: Woodworking
Nick Offerman's hobby of woodworking during his time off turned into a full-scale workshop and business. Called "Offerman Woodshop" and based in LA, Offerman and his team of woodworking entrepreneurs create custom furniture and other customized wood products.
Montclair Film, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Geena Davis: Archery
Geena Davis was an avid archer from an early age and although the Beetlejuice (1988) star eventually took to acting like a duck to water, she still draws a bow from time to time. She was so good, she almost made the 2000 Sydney Olympics USA team.
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Steve Martin: Banjo Playing
Star of many a movie and TV show, but most recently Only Murders In The Building, Steve Martin plays banjo in his spare time and is rather good at it, too.
Guillermo Del Toro: Horror Movie Paraphernalia
You may think that Quentin Tarantino would be the horror movie fanatic, but no: that's Guillermo Del Toro. Del Toro has over 10,000 pieces of horror movie paraphernalia—so much so that he keeps it all in a second house dubbed "Bleak House".
GuillemMedina, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Michael B. Jordan: Anime
Michael B. Jordan is really into anime—he even released a clothing line inspired by Naruto in 2019. He also released his anime, GenLock, which he stars in.
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Anthony Mackie: Obsessed With Boba Fett
Anthony Mackie's obsession with Boba Fett began as a kid, and the star has since confided that his dream role would be to play Boba Fett. He owns several Boba Fett helmets, even the one that Jeremy Bulloch wore (and signed) during the original Star Wars.
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Ben Stiller: Star Trek Paraphernalia
While Zoolander didn't make any allusions to Star Trek, Ben Stiller is a huge Trekkie. He named his film company "Red Hour Productions" after a Star Trek episode of the same name from the Original Series.
Montclair Film, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Justin Bieber: Rubik's Cube Wizard
I firmly believe that Rubik's Cube puzzles are one of those things that you either have the patience for, or you don't—I am definitely in the latter camp. However, Justin Bieber has patience on tap as he's been showcased countless times solving the puzzle, including once in under two minutes. And once while driving with James Corden. He was probably the cool kid at school and all.
Kaley Cuoco: Equestrian
Another equestrian rider on our list is The Big Bang Theory's Kaley Cuoco. She owns 25 horses and has competed in many hotly-contested showjumping competitions over the years. I wonder if she ever met Mary-Kate Olsen at one?
Christina Hendricks: Accordion Playing
Now, I can't carry a tune in a bucket, much less play an instrument—Christina Hendricks, however, can do both. She showcased her skills (and singing ability) during an episode of Mad Men when she sang a rendition of "C'est magnifique!"
Eva Rinaldi, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Jack White: Furniture Upholstering
I don't have the patience to learn to sew, let alone re-upholster furniture. However, for Jack White of The White Stripes, that's what he does in his spare time. He's so good, he's actually an accredited master furniture upholsterer, having taken up the practice when he was just 15. He even has his own shop—Third Man Upholstery—that he opened at the age of 21 in 1996.
Pierce Brosnan: Fire Breathing
Is there anything that Pierce Brosnan can't do? The action star has been fire breathing since he was part of a circus troupe as a teenager. He's been trusted to perform the stunt on live television, including tapings of The Graham Norton Show.
Kesha: Tooth Jewellery
Yes, really. Tooth jewelry. In 2014, when Kesha was in a treatment center and began crafting tooth jewellery from fans' teeth that they sent in. It became an issue for the treatment center, who had to step in and put a stop to Kesha receiving people's teeth.
Mila Kunis: World of Warcraft
Similar to Henry Cavill, Mila Kunis has also developed an obsession with the role-playing game. Apparently she's been recruiting her friends and family to play.
Shailene Woodley: Holistic Medicine
Hippie-at-heart Shailene Woodley makes her own holistic medicine. She forages for plants and and herbs to concoct her own herbal remedies.
Quentin Tarantino: Film-Related Board Games
Quentin Tarantino, horror extraordinaire and famed director has a love of film board games. One of his most prized possessions is the "Saturday Night Fever" board game. Apparently, this was the board game that he and John Travolta played while meeting to discuss Pulp Fiction.
David Arquette: Knitting
David Arquette likes to relax with a good pair of knitting needles. He even made scarves for charity, appearing in "Hollywood Knits For Breast Cancer Research" in 2005.
Angelina Jolie: Dagger Collecting
Apparently, Angelina Jolie collects daggers and has done since she was a teenager—after her mother began buying her the knives when she was 11 or 12 years old. She has also been buying similar items for her son, Maddox. An aside (or maybe not): Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton wore vials of blood around each other's necks when they were in a relationship.
Do you share an interesting hobby with a celebrity? Let us know what it is below.