July 18, 2024 | Rachel Seigel

Sultry Facts About Diana Rigg, The Queen Of Sin

Diana Rigg, The Queen Of Sin

Diana Rigg was a firecracker if there ever was one, and she spent her career rebelling against the expectations of others and making scandals wherever she went. From her sultry stardom as Emma Peel in The Avengers to her iconic performance as Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones, Rigg was truly unforgettable on-screen—and her romps behind-the-scenes were even more salacious. Here are facts about Diana Rigg, The Queen of Sin.

Diana Rigg Split

1. She Had An Exotic Childhood

Diana Rigg had an exotic upbringing. Thanks to her father’s cushy job working as a railroad engineer, she spent most of her early childhood in India. Though an English citizen, Rigg lived in the foreign country from the time she was two months old, and spent a happy childhood learning Hindi. Sadly, those golden days wouldn’t last forever.

Diana RiggMirrorpix, Getty Images


2. Her Parents Abandoned Her

Rigg’s blessed life in India was very brief. With the growing conflict over Indian independence, Rigg’s father shipped his young daughter back to England in 1945. But that wasn't the worst part. Neither her mother nor her father came back with Rigg, and she didn't see them for years while she attended school. When they returned, she called them strangers.

Diana Rigg FactsWikimedia Commons

3. She Was A Painfully Lonely Child

Boarding school wasn’t easy for Diana Rigg, and she felt “disenfranchised".  The combination of feeling like an outsider and being away from her parents made for a lonely few years, but she coped by developing a vivid imagination, which she channeled into a lifelong passion for acting. But before she became famous, she paid a high price for her ambitions.

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

4. No One Believed In Her

Diana Rigg had some heavy obstacles in her path to stardom. In particular, her headmistress at school was vehemently set against her dreams of the stage, with Rigg even implying the woman would have been happier with her walking the streets. Her parents weren't so hot on the idea, either, but Rigg auditioned for drama school anyway—and this brought even more scandal.

Gloria Grahame FactsFlickr, Marco Verch


5. She Made A Huge Sacrifice

When Rigg got into the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts at just 17 years old, she was actually already engaged to be married to a young beau. Well, her father put an end to that. The stern man told her that she could choose between an acting career and a walk down the aisle. Fiesty as ever, Rigg obviously chose acting and broke off the engagement.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge factsWikipedia

6. She Was A Party Girl

If her parents really knew what Diana Rigg was doing at the academy, they'd have been even more outraged. Rigg admits she spent most of her time there partying, meeting boys, and coming to class hungover. The school almost expelled her, but she scraped by enough to make her professional debut in 1957. From then on, she only cemented her "bad girl" image.

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

7. She Started From The Bottom

In 1959, Rigg probably thought she hit it big when she got into the Royal Shakespeare Company....but if so, it was a rude awakening. She literally started at the bottom, with a walk-on part as a spear-carrier. Still, she also got to watch greats like Dame Edith Evans and Laurence Olivier at work. And one of her biggest roles was just around the corner.

Vivien Leigh FactsWikimedia Commons


8. She Stole Her Most Famous Part

In 1965, the popular British espionage show The Avengers was casting for the lead female role of Emma Peel. Famously, Rigg got it and quickly became a household name—but few people know the truth behind the part. The production had initially cast the actress Elizabeth Shepherd, but dumped her for Rigg when they saw our girl's humor and wit.

Yeah, Rigg stole the part right out of Shepherd's hands. But be careful what you wish for...

Diana Rigg FactsFlickr, Kristine

9. She Was Afraid Of Her Fans

Emma Peel became an instant television dream girl, and Rigg was completely unprepared to deal with the pressures of fame. So when she received baskets and baskets of fan mail almost overnight, she didn't react well. Instead of reading them, she just kept them, unopened, in the trunk of her car. If she had read them, though, she'd be shocked.

Diana Rigg FactsThe Avengers (1961-1969), ABC

10. Her Fan Mail Was Mortifying

Eventually, Rigg's mother decided to take matters into her own hands, and became her secretary in part to handle the unstoppable deluge of fan mail. Creepily enough, many of the letters were inappropriate odes to Rigg's body and good looks. Never a family to mince words, the matron replied to these by saying, “My daughter’s far too old for you. Go take a cold shower!”

Princess Margaret, The Countess of Snowdon factsMax Pixel


11. She Caused A Scandal

In the 1960s, just as she was hitting her professional stride, Rigg's messy personal life hit the headlines. She had taken up with the already-married director Philip Saville and was living with him. The fiery Rigg admitted as much to reporters, even announcing that she had no intention of marrying Saville, or anyone. As we'll see, she'd change her tune...with unsettling results.

Jackie Kennedy FactsShutterstock

12. She Was The Queen of Sin

Despite her initial shock over stardom, Rigg soon jumped in whole-heartedly. Um, maybe a little too wholeheartedly. In the infamous "Touch of Brimstone" episode of The Avengers, she wore a "Queen of Sin" outfit with a spiked dog collar, a whalebone corset, and high leather boots. She even designed the costume herself. And that wasn't the most scandalous part...

Diana Rigg FactsThe Avengers (1961-1969), ABC

13. She Was Too Risqué

Besides Rigg's scantily-clad "costume," the episode also had her extensively whipping a man while dressed in the get-up. Now, this was just too much for the censors. They edited the episode down to only its barest, most family-friendly elements, and didn't air an uncut version of the installment until decades later. Unsurprisingly, it's still a fan favorite to this day.

Diana Rigg FactsThe Avengers (1961-1969), ABC


14. She Got Kicked Out Of A Hotel

Rigg was always a rebel, and "Touch of Brimstone" wasn't the only way she used her clothing to make a statement. She insisted on walking around in trousers whenever she darn well felt like it, even when the habit came back to bite her. A host once escorted her out of a hotel restaurant because she had the nerve to wear a pantsuit after 6 pm.

Diana Rigg FactsShutterstock

15. She Received A Brutal Insult

Rigg knew her worth down to the last cent, so she was outraged to find just how little The Avengers valued her. Despite being the breakout star of the show, she discovered that not only was her male co-star making hundreds of pounds more than her per week, but also that a cameraman was making more than her, too. The show's response was disturbing.

Elisabeth Moss FactsShutterstock

16. She Made A Dangerous Threat

Sadly, barely anyone on set supported her complaints, and Rigg had to threaten to quit to get even a modest raise. The show managed to hold onto her for three seasons, but they were miserable years. She felt friendless on the set of the show, and she began to tire of fans calling her "Mrs. Peel" wherever she went. Rigg was about to break out in a big way.

Diana Rigg FactsThe Avengers (1961-1969), ABC


17. She Became A Bond Girl

After Rigg finally left The Avengers with extreme prejudice, her next big role was the very definition of revenge: She transformed into a freaking Bond girl. In 1969's On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Rigg earned rave reviews playing Countess Teresa di Vicenzo opposite George Lazenby. And she has a very huge claim to fame in that film.

Diana Rigg FactsFlickr, Kristine

18. She Married James Bond

Somehow, Rigg's Countess manages to get the womanizing spy James Bond to the altar—and then she actually manages to marry him, too. To this day, Diana Rigg's character has the dubious honor of being James Bond's only lawfully-wedded wife. But behind the scenes of the latest Bond movie, things were falling apart all over again.

Diana Rigg FactsOn Her Majesty

19. There Was A Dirty Rumor About Her

Despite their fictional marriage, Rigg and Lazenby had a nightmare on set. According to Rigg, Lazenby would often fly into rages at the crew and other cast members with "inexcusable and crude" behavior. A rumor even emerged that Rigg hated Lazenby so much, she would deliberately eat garlic before filming their romantic scenes. The source of that rumor? Well...

The Best James BondGetty Images


20. She Made A Powerful Rival

After the film came out, the rumor got so big that Rigg wrote an open letter denying it—and accusing Lazenby himself of starting the yarn. For his part, Lazenby denied any malicious intent, and claimed the whisper came about when the press misheard something Rigg herself had said. Just before her passing, Rigg got a chance to set the record straight, though...and boy, did she.

James Bond FactsGetty Images

21. She Hated Her Co-Star

Even in 2014, Rigg wasn't going to let bygones be bygones. When an interviewer asked about her time as a Bond girl, Rigg confessed that she wished she'd had "Roger or Sean" as her Bond, and called Lazenby "stupid," saying he read too many magazines and was just acting out what he thought was suave. "And I had to marry the man!" She finally scoffed. Alright, Diana Rigg does not forgive and forget.

Diana Rigg FactsFlickr, Kristine

22. She Had A Notorious Type

Although her scandalous lover Philip Saville was Rigg's "first love," he definitely wasn't her last. After they split up, Rigg rebounded hard. She took up with painter Menachem Gueffen, and their relationship was every bit as dramatic as two artists could make it. They fought constantly, with Gueffen even once throwing her luggage out a window of a hotel while they were on holiday. But it's Rigg's reaction to this that was truly strange.

Diana Rigg FactsWikimedia Commons


23. She Made An Indecent Proposal

Apparently, the way to get on Diana Rigg's good side is to chuck her belongings out of windows, because the enraged act made her go starry-eyed—so much so that she proposed to Gueffen on the flight home. Then, somehow, the volatile pair even went through with it, marrying in a ceremony in 1973. It was not happily ever after.

Left at the Altar factsUnsplash

24. She Had A Quickie Marriage

Rigg claimed that she had "met my match" in Gueffen, but not even the actress had faith in her bad romance. In an interview she gave shortly after her hasty nuptials, she waxed rhapsodically about how in love she was with Gueffen, but then quipped after a slight pause, "I give the marriage a year". As it turned out, she would be eerily right.

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

25. Her Relationship Fell Apart

By 1974, Rigg and Gueffen were on a trial separation. The reasons behind the split were heartbreaking. Though Rigg publicly blamed her “bloody awful independence," insiders believed the real issue was that the macho Gueffen couldn't handle being "Mrs. Diana Rigg" and having his wife overshadow him. But don't worry, Rigg bounced back.

Outrageous Reasons for Divorce factsShutterstock


26. She Had A Love Child

Shortly after her relationship with Gueffen ended, Rigg got in another serious romance with the dashing producer Archibald Stirling, eventually taking him as her second husband in 1982. By that time, Rigg already had a child with him, a daughter named Rachael Stirling. Maybe, just maybe, things would settle down. Then again, maybe not...

Alessandro De Medici FactsPixabay

27. Her Husband Made A Fool Of Her

Rigg was used to the ups and downs of relationships—until her husband dealt her an utterly cold-hearted betrayal. One day, she discovered that Archibald was having a full-blown affair with the much-younger actress Joely Richardson, who was nearly 30 years her junior. Soon enough, Rigg proved that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Diana Rigg FactsFlickr, Thomas Hawk

28. She Got A Fitting Revenge

Rigg wasted no time divorcing Stirling, even after eight years of marriage, but she didn't stop there. Rather than throwing his stuff out in the trash or destroying it, Rigg was much cleverer than all that. Instead, the iconic actress packed up Stirling's nicest suits and donated them to the nearest charity shop. Take notes, ladies and gentlemen.

Diana Rigg FactsPxfuel


29. She Did A “Horrible” Thing

After James Bond, Rigg made her Broadway debut, and it didn't exactly go the way she wanted. She played the controversial role of an undressed nun in Abelard and Heloise, only agreeing to the bare-all scene because the director insisted. She almost instantly wished she hadn't, calling it the “most horrible thing” she’d ever done. It also led to a savage insult. 

Sessue Hayakawa FactsShutterstock

30. She Got a Devastating Critique

While Rigg's director pushed the poor actress into the bare-all role, the critics didn't seem to care. One particularly vicious reviewer had the nerve to comment more on her body than her acting technique, complaining that she “was built like a brick mausoleum with insufficient flying buttresses".  Later in life, she still remembered the comment as "devastating".

Diana Rigg FactsFlickr, James Vaughan

31. She Never Watched Game Of Thrones

Prior to nabbing her famed role of Olenna Tyrell on Game of Thrones, Rigg was completely unfamiliar with the show. She never watched the series—even while she was on it—and admitted to having “no clue” what was happening. When you're as good as she is, you don't need to pay attention. In fact, it was Rigg who made Game of Thrones jump through hoops...

Aegon the Conqueror FactsShutterstock


32. She Had A Wicked Sense Of Humor

When Rigg met with the GoT showrunners, David Benioff said that it felt like she was auditioning them instead of vice versa.  Obviously, the bawdy, witty, and sharp Rigg nailed the part, but one exchange particularly sealed the deal. Speaking about GoT's notorious nakedness, she grinned and wryly said, “There's an awful lot of bonking, isn't there?” Book her, boys.

The Houses Of Game of Thrones factsGame of Thrones, HBO

33. She Accomplished An Impressive Feat

While on Game of Thrones, an extremely demanding scene put Rigg to the test early on in filming. Rigg’s character Olenna had to list all the things she needed for her marching army. It was so exacting and long, Rigg thought the producers wanted to see if an old bat could even remember her lines. Well, Rigg didn't shy away from the challenge: She did, and she did it in one take.

Toughest Women of Game of Thrones FactsGame of Thrones, HBO

34. She Snapped At A Director

In her early days on Games of Thrones, Rigg definitely caused some drama on set. In particular, one Emmy-winning director was helming an episode and asked her to do something simple like open a door. Rigg's reply was legendary. She responded pertly that she would do it her own way, then dismissed the director with, “Thank you! Go away". Well, he sure did.

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images


35. She Orchestrated A Star-Studded Romance

Even when Diana Rigg was trying to do a nice thing, she somehow ended up creating controversy. When she worked on Theater of Blood with screen legend Vincent Price and actress Coral Browne, Browne admitted to Rigg that she had a crush on the aging star. Rigg quickly tipped Price off to Coral's little crush, and the pair started a fling and eventually got married. But Rigg didn't know the whole story...

Vincent Price FactsGetty Images

36. She Did A Naughty Thing

As it turned out, Price was very taken at the time—as in, he already had a wife and child. Rigg claims she knew nothing of this, or else she never would have played matchmaker. In her words, "I did not know that...I would not have encouraged it. If I sound sort of po-faced, so be it". That Diana Rigg, always getting herself into trouble. And there was more to come.

Vincent Price FactsFlickr

37. She Had A Favorite Scene

Despite never watching Game of Thrones, Rigg had happy memories of playing Olenna. For one, she thought the Tyrell matriarch had "the best lines". Rigg also loved the scene where Olenna meets her demise. As Rigg explained, Olenna faced the end proudly and “with dignity and wit, and wit is not often in final death scenes".

Diana Rigg FactsGame of Thrones, HBO


38. She Had A Strange Power

While everyone admired Rigg's acting chops, some of the greatest names in show business also clocked her because of just how steaming hot she was. Laurence Olivier himself called her a "delicious actress,” and Hollywood heartthrob Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. once said, “Anyone who doesn’t find her devastatingly attractive must be an Outer Mongolian monk". High praise indeed.

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

39. She Could Be Mean

Diana Rigg might have been a good-time gal, but she knew how to work. In 2018, she was Mrs. Higgins in My Fair Lady alongside lead star Lauren Ambrose. Yet when Ambrose took every Sunday off to rest her voice, Rigg got very prickly about what she thought was diva behavior. She wrote an email insisting, "The show must go on—with ALL principals," and referenced the time she busted a vocal chord as Medea in 1994 without batting an eye.

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

40. She Created Her Own Cocktail

Rigg was obviously in fine form while playing Mrs. Higgins, because she pulled out all the stops when she turned 80 years old during her run. She threw herself a huge bash, invited everyone, and then invented her own cocktail called “Diana’s Dynamite,” which she made with Prosecco and Cointreau. As she described it, “everyone got hammered".

Diana Rigg FactsFlickr


41. She Refused A Big Part

One thing you can count on is that Diana Rigg was consistent about her grudges. Although she later softened on her experience as Emma Peel in The Avengers, she could never quite forget how horrible it was for her on the set of her breakout show. So when The New Avengers asked her to reprise her role in the 1970s, the actress turned them down flat.

Diana Rigg FactsThe Avengers (1961-1969), ABC

42. She Played An Iconic Character

In 1981, Diana Rigg starred in The Great Muppet Caper as fashion designer Lady Holiday. Rigg said she jumped at the chance to work with Miss Piggy because her daughter was “passionately in love” with the character. Still, when the girl visited her on set and saw Miss Piggy for real, the multiple piggy puppets frightened her and she burst into tears. Children, they're so ungrateful.

Diana Rigg FactsThe Great Muppet Caper (1981), Universal Pictures

43. She Took The Tabloids To Court

In 2003, Rigg proved that nobody gets away with putting words in her mouth. She sued The Daily Mail and The London Evening Standard for writing that “she was an embittered woman who held British men in low regard". The articles stated that she had decided to retire and live like a hermit, which was all untrue. But...could you blame her?

Lawyers Screwed factsPublic Domain Pictures


44. She Became A Dame

In 1994, Diana Rigg achieved what most people just dream about: She became a bona fide Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, in recognition of her services to drama. I mean, if we should call anyone "Dame," it's Diana Rigg, right?

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

45. She Had Her Own Episode

In 2013, Rigg got the chance to guest star as the evil Mrs. Gillyflower on Doctor Who in the Victorian-era episode “The Crimson Horror,” which showrunners wrote especially for her. Like the Dame she is, Rigg had actually never seen a single episode of the show before the producers approached her. Even then, she agreed to the part only after watching a compilation of the series' best villains.

Diana Rigg FactsDoctor Who, BBC Studios

46. She Intimidated Her Co-Stars

In his forthcoming oral history of Game of Thrones, Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon, author James Hibberd revealed that Rigg “intimidated” her co-stars, but not because she was mean or scary. Co-stars Emilia Clarke and Natalie Dormer admitted to being “awestruck” by the actress. And honestly, with a career like hers, who wouldn’t be?

Emilia Clarke factsWikimedia Commons


47. She Loved To Be Bad

While some actors shy away from playing baddie characters because they want viewers to like them, that wasn’t true of Rigg, who bloody loved it. She played both good guys and bad guys in her time, but said she’d pick bad every time. She enjoyed it when people disliked her, saying that evil characters are “so much more interesting than good".

Diana Rigg FactsGetty Images

48. She Almost Died

In 2017, Rigg nearly met her maker when her heart stopped beating during a routine heart operation. The way she figured it, God must have told someone to “Send the old bag down again, I’m not having her yet,” because a jumpstart got her heart going again, and she made a full recovery. Somebody must have been looking out for her...but everyone's day has to come.

Anna May Wong FactsShutterstock

49. She Pushed Herself To The Edge

Diana Rigg continued to work until the very end,  proclaiming in an interview, “I don't want to retire. I never want to retire. What's the point of it?” She most recently appeared as the eccentric widow Mrs. Pumphrey in the TV series All Creatures Great and Small, and she also has a couple of other projects coming down the pipeline to this day.

Diana Rigg FactsAll Creatures Great and Small (2020), Channel 5


50. She Fought Until The End

On September 10, 2020, Diana Rigg finally closed the curtains on her magnificent life, passing in her own home at the age of 82. It was a shock for everyone who knew how strong and vital she had been all the way up to her end. But her daughter revealed the truth. Back in March, doctors had diagnosed Rigg with cancer, and the reaper came for her at last. Rest in Peace, Diana.

Marion Davies FactsShutterstock

Sources:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23


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