Jacki Andre articles

February 10, 2025 Jacki Andre

Oscar Nominations No One Saw Coming

No one saw Greta Gerwig’s Oscar nomination for Lady Bird coming—for one disturbing reason.
December 11, 2024 Jacki Andre

Best Period Dramas

The Sound of Music is one of the best period dramas of all time—but the film left out the single darkest detail about the real Maria von Trapp.
November 21, 2024 Jacki Andre

The Best Animated Characters

Homer Simpson is one of the most beloved animated characters of all time, but he’s still got one disturbing habit that makes even die-hard fans uncomfortable.
November 8, 2024 Jacki Andre

Pixar Movies That Are Better When You're An Adult

Turning Red is Pixar’s most controversial movie—but there's a reason it’s also one of the best to watch as an adult.
October 22, 2024 Jacki Andre

The Best Sandra Bullock Movies

Sandra Bullock may be nicknamed “America’s Sweetheart” but the actress is incredibly versatile and has considerable acting chops. Given her lengthy resume and variety of projects, it can be tough to narrow down a list of Bullock’s best films—but we’ve given it a shot.
October 18, 2024 Jacki Andre

The Day John Lennon Died

John Lennon was one of pop culture’s brightest stars. He was only 40 years old when his life was taken on a New York City street in 1980, sending waves of heartbreak and shock around the world. But do you know what really happened the day John Lennon died?
October 11, 2024 Jacki Andre

Behind The Scenes Of The Masked Singer

The Masked Singer (TMS) took everyone by surprise when it debuted in 2019. But keeping the contestants’ identities a secret until the very last unmasking of each season requires a lot of work— and the protocols behind the scenes at TMS are intense and wild.
October 2, 2024 Jacki Andre

The Most Satisfying Movie Endings

When thinking about movie endings, we often think of a conclusion where the hero vanquishes the bad guys and gets to live happily ever after. But a movie’s ending doesn’t have to be happy to be satisfying—it’s more important that loose ends are tied up. In that light, the films with the most satisfying endings might surprise you.
September 27, 2024 Jacki Andre

Columbo Facts

Columbo—the cult classic detective drama that went off the air in 2003 after 35 years—remains a favorite of critics and fans alike. The series was unusual in many ways, from pioneering the “howcatchem” mystery structure to Peter Falk’s extensive improvisation. Here are 38 interesting facts about one of TV’s most beloved detectives.