Nikolas C. articles

September 9, 2024 Nikolas C.

The Best Comedy Films Of All Time

They say that art is subjective, but no matter what year they came out, certain films have become iconic for the simple act of making people laugh. While there may be different movies for different people, there’s no denying these comedies have created their own legacies with laughs for everyone.
August 23, 2024 Nikolas C.

TV Characters People Find Annoying

While some TV characters stand out because they’re so darn likeable, these are not those characters. Let's take a look at the annoying TV characters we all love to hate.
August 7, 2024 Nikolas C.

The Best Improvised Movie Moments

Many famous scenes only exist because something spontaneous happened on set. Intentional or not, these moments were good enough for the final cut.