October 4, 2024 | Byron Fast

Devastating Facts About Dennis Wilson, The Beach Boy With A Dark Side

The Beach Boy With A Dark Side

This sunny beach boy just barely survived a friendship with one of the most feared men in American history. 



1. He Had A Dark Side

Of all the Beach Boys, Dennis Wilson was the only one living the life this surf band was singing about. He was a true beach boy, but he also had a dark side.



Fate led him to one of the most notorious figures in American history, and it was an explosive connection. His affiliation with Charles Manson led to a bloodbath that Wilson could have never imagined. Sadly, the musician spent the rest of his short life searching for a way to forget it.


Dennis WilsonDr Umm, Flickr


2. He Was A Menace

Dennis Wilson was born on December 4, 1944, and grew up in Hawthorne, California. Wilson had two brothers, and his aggressive father was very hard on all three boys—but especially on Dennis. The other kids even had a nickname for this black sheep of the family. It was "Dennis the Menace". Wilson didn’t really fit in with his two brothers, and they were about to make that very, very clear.

Dennis Wilson in his youthCapitol records, Wikimedia Commons


3. He Wasn’t Interested

It was his brother Brian Wilson who had the idea to form a band.


He was busy assembling the right musicians, which included his brother Carl, his cousin Mike Love, and a friend named Al Jardine. The glaring omission in Brian’s band was Dennis Wilson. Wilson was into surfing and chasing girls and didn’t have much interest in music. 

However, that’s when their mother stepped in and changed history. 

Dennis Wilson in a Trade adCapitol Records, Wikimedia Commons


4. His Mom Insisted He Join The Band

Wilson’s mom, Audree Wilson, told Brian that he had to include his little brother in his band, and Brian reluctantly agreed. Wilson had learned to play the bass but was also trying out the drums.


His teacher described Wilson as a drum “beater” and not a real drummer, but he did note that Wilson learned quickly.

Wilson was now interested in joining his brothers. He came up with an original idea that would take this band from the garage to the recording studio.


Dennis Wilson on DrumsUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons


5. He Was The Big Push Behind Their First Hit

Wilson signed on with the band, and they called themselves The Pendletones. Surprisingly, it was Wilson who suggested they sing about surfing. In fact, it was he who also insisted that his brother write the song “Surfin’"—the tune that became The Pendletones' first hit. Wilson was so happy when the song hit the radio that he ran down the street screaming with joy.



Of course, this meant money for the band members—something that Wilson was not ready to deal with.

Beach Boys Portrait - Dennis WilsonMichael Ochs Archives, Getty Images


6. His Father Took The Reigns

Soon, Wilson's father stepped in to manage the boys, as they made their slow and steady rise to the top. When the record company released their first single—“Surfin’”—Wilson and the band got a shock. The label had renamed them The Beach Boys.


Of course, in the long run, it didn’t matter as they were getting famous and making money. 

While Brian and Carl put some money in investments or savings, black sheep Dennis did something completely different with his first big earnings.

Dennis Wilson in 1966Cashbox, Wikimedia Commons


7. He Wasted His Money

The first thing Dennis Wilson did with his newfound wealth was leave the family home and get his own place in Hollywood.


He also wasted money by paying for his friends when they went out. Wilson likely cowered in embarrassment when his father publicly stated that his son cried when he found out how much of his money he had wasted. 

Still, though Wilson was undeniably reckless, his fans absolutely loved him—but this wasn't always a good thing.

Dennis Wilson of The Beach BoysMichael Putland, Getty Images


8. He Was Number One With The Ladies

While musically, Wilson was certainly not the most important member of the band, some fans thought he was.


Wilson’s good looks attracted the attention of many of the female fans. In fact, sometimes they would run right by the other members just to get to Wilson. Wilson could hardly stop this behavior, but his brother Brian soon had enough.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach BoysWhite Horse Pictures, The Beach Boys (2024)


9. He Made His Brother Jealous

According to a friend of Dennis Wilson’s, Brian was extremely envious of all the attention that his brother was getting. It was so bad that he didn’t even want to get on stage with him. In 1965, Brian couldn’t take the pressure of performing anymore and had a nervous breakdown. He said he was through with touring with the Beach Boys—and later confessed that his jealousy of Phil Specter and The Beatles' success was also a major factor.

In response to his brother's drastic decision, Dennis Wilson's reaction was downright disturbing.

Dennis Wilson in 1964Capitol Records, Wikimedia Commons


10. He Lost His Head

When Brian announced that he wouldn’t tour anymore, Wilson went ballistic. He picked up the heaviest thing he could find—a huge ashtray—and threatened to throw it at anyone who wouldn’t leave the room. The thing was, Wilson knew the truth.


He knew that without his brother the Beach Boys didn’t exist. 

It seemed that Wilson and his brother could not continue on together, which made Brian's next move so shocking.

Beach Boys LiveLarry Hulst, Getty Images


11. He Was At The Center 

Brian was having his own emotional problems, and he thought it was a good time to put his brother more front and center on stage.


Brian made sure that Wilson had more lead singing roles on their 1965 album The Beach Boys Today! Wilson’s vocals on “Do You Wanna Dance” earned him a reputation as a lead singer. 

While he enjoyed filling this new role, sadly, he also began enjoying something far more nefarious.

Brian Wilson in 1960sUnknown author, Wikimedia Commons


12. He Wasn’t Reliable 

After finding his voice with The Beach Boys, Wilson discovered something else:


psychedelics. His use of this drug kept him from being a reliable part of The Beach Boys, and so Brian started using a session musician on the drums. When Wilson was ready and able, he played. When he wasn’t, his job went to the session musician. 

Wilson’s contribution to The Beach Boys was in decline, and things were about to get even worse.

Dennis Wilson in 1968Capitol records, Wikimedia Commons


13. He Was An Angel 

One of The Beach Boys’ most influential albums is Pet Sounds. Due to his substance use, Wilson barely had anything to do with it.


Then, The Beach Boys gave their next album an insulting working title. Allegedly, they used the name Dumb Angel, which apparently referred to Wilson—but it was later renamed Smile for a surprising reason.

Brian Wilson producingCashbox, Wikimedia Commons


14. They Got Paranoid

Wilson wasn’t the only member of The Beach Boys to have substance issues. Because of this, the band became paranoid that they would alienate some members of their audience, who maybe weren’t as liberal-minded. For this reason, they decided to abandon the album Smile altogether. However, when it came to making music, Dennis Wilson was only just getting started.


The Beach Boys in a Billboard advertisementBillboard, Picryl


15. He Hit It Big 

After a few failed attempts at writing, Wilson hit it big with “Little Bird”. Tough-guy Wilson surprised everyone with a sentimental song about connecting with nature. One critic even called it a “minor masterpiece”. But Wilson was just getting started. On the next album, he tried his hand at producing.



But if you think Wilson was through being the black sheep of the Beach Boys, think again. His darkest chapter was just about to begin.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach BoysWhite Horse Pictures, The Beach Boys (2024)


16. He Met Two Hitchhikers 

In April of 1968, Wilson was freshly divorced from his wife of three years and ready to party. He picked up a couple of female hitchhikers in Malibu and brought them to his home. He served them milk and cookies, and they told him about their spiritual guru.


Wilson left the two women at his home and went off to a recording session. 

When he got back to his house, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Dennis Wilson in 1971Universal Pictures, Wikimedia Commons


17. He Was Waiting For Him 

When Wilson pulled up to his house, he saw that the lights were on and that there was a school bus parked outside.


Then he saw something even scarier. There was a menacing man standing there waiting for him. Wilson soon learned that this man was Charles Manson—the guru the two women had told him about. Wilson had no idea what Manson wanted, but he knew he was afraid of him.



When Wilson asked Manson if he was going to hurt him, Manson did something unbelievable.

Charles Manson mugshotCalifornia Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Picryl


18. He Treated Him Like A God

Instead of hurting Wilson, Manson got down on his hands and knees and started laying kisses on Wilson’s feet. But the surprises didn’t stop there. When entered his house, Wilson came face to face with about 12 people who were now occupying the house.


It didn’t even feel like Wilson’s domain anymore. 

However, Manson wasn’t through with taking advantage of him.

Charles Manson - mugshotmugshots.org, Picryl


19. He Paid For Everything

Wilson actually didn’t mind having the strangers, who were mostly women, in his house. After all, Manson shared his psychedelics with Wilson, and he also shared the women.


You see, these followers would do anything for Manson. Not only would they sleep with Wilson, but Manson got them to clean and cook too. But this wasn’t a free service. 

Wilson soon found himself paying through the nose for Manson and his family.

The Beach Boys LiveLarry Hulst, Getty Images


20. They Partied Hard

Manson and his family had expensive tastes, and Wilson was the one who had to pay for them.


While they lived with Wilson, Manson and his followers bought clothes, cars, food, and something more surprising: penicillin. You see, they needed it for their many bouts of gonorrhea. Yes, it was a non-stop party—but the jaw-dropping final bill eventually landed at Wilson's feet, and it was not pretty.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


21. He Financed Their Lifestyle

By the end of the party, Wilson owed about $100,000, which is almost $900,000 today.


Most surprisingly, Wilson later said that he wasn’t supporting the Manson family, but that they were supporting him. The truth was, Wilson had handed over more than half of his savings. Strangely, Wilson himself was living a life of poverty.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


22. He Lived Simply 

Though Wilson bankrolled the Manson family, he wasn't exactly living the high life himself.


Wilson later said that while the Manson family was partying, he took up residence in just one room in his house, where he only had one candle. In spite of this, he said, "...I'm happy, finding myself". Now Wilson was ready to introduce Manson to some of his friends.


This would prove to be a catastrophic mistake.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


23. He Introduced The Devil

One thing Manson wanted from Wilson was a record contract. It wasn't long before Wilson introduced Manson to his friends in the industry like singer Neil Young and a talent scout named Gregg Jakobson. Both Young and Jakobson thought that Manson was interesting, but neither could help him with his career.


Wilson reluctantly introduced Manson to The Beach Boys, and the results were shocking.

Neil YoungSkeletalmess, Flickr


24. He Threw A Strange Party

After meeting Manson, Mike Love wasn’t a fan. You see, he attended a strange dinner party hosted by Wilson and Manson. Love said that all the attendees were busy partying sans clothes—and after dinner, everyone began sleeping with one another. When Love tried to escape into the shower, Manson followed him and told him off for not staying.



Manson had successfully inserted himself into the world of The Beach Boys, which could only lead to trouble.

Beach Boys in 1967Capitol Records, Wikimedia Commons


25. He Wanted To Heal Them

Wilson brought Manson to his brother’s recording studio, where Manson recorded a few songs. But Manson quickly sensed that all was not well between Wilson and his brothers.



This led Manson to write a song for The Beach Boys. According to Manson family member Squeaky Fromme, “Cease to Exist” was to help heal the relationship between Wilson and his brothers. This would eventually be recorded as the song "Never Learn Not to Love," credited to Dennis Wilson. Around this time, Wilson realized that Manson was a little creepy.


Sadly, this realization came too late.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


26. He Wanted Out 

Eventually, Wilson began to see Manson not so much as a friend but as someone to be afraid of. Unfortunately, the problem was that he still had a house full of Manson followers. Wilson took the easy way out and simply walked away from his own home.


Wilson moved in with his friend—and collaborator—Gregg Jakobson, living in his basement apartment. 

The problem was that everything Wilson owned was back in that house.

A screenshot of the movie Manson: Music from an Unsound MindSpiritlevel Cinema, Manson: Music from an Unsound Mind (2019)


27. He Made Him Mad

The Manson family soon used up or appropriated everything Wilson owned. Luckily for Wilson, the house itself was a rental, and the lease was soon ending.


Before the lease was up, Manson and his followers found themselves evicted. Manson was livid, and he was ready to take out his anger on Wilson.

A screenshot of the movie Manson: Music from an Unsound MindSpiritlevel Cinema, Manson: Music from an Unsound Mind (2019)


28. He Witnessed Something Horrific

Manson’s anger led him to send Wilson threatening messages that contained a slug from a rifle. The thing was, Wilson knew how dangerous Manson was.


Much later, Beach Boys member Mike Love confessed in his memoir that Wilson told him that he’d seen Manson use an M16 rifle to shoot a man "in half". 

If Wilson really had seen Manson commit such an atrocity, he should have gone to the authorities.


But something held him back.

Mike LoveTakahiro Kyono, Flickr


29. He Did Nothing

Seeing his friend, Manson, commit such an outrageous act took its toll on Wilson. It made him freeze with fear, and reportedly, he even contemplated ending his life. In the end, he chose not to alert the authorities about what Manson had done. Sadly, Wilson keeping what he knew to himself left Manson free to unleash terror on some unsuspecting people.


A screenshot of the movie Manson: Music from an Unsound MindSpiritlevel Cinema, Manson: Music from an Unsound Mind (2019)


30. He Was The Go-Between

Another person Wilson had introduced Manson to was record producer Terry Melcher, who was also the son of Hollywood sweetheart Doris Day. Melcher didn’t offer Manson a contract—but Manson would eventually get a deranged revenge. He knew Melcher’s address—10050 Cielo Drive—and on August 8, 1969, Manson sent some of his followers there. 

What Manson didn’t know was that Melcher had moved out—and actress Sharon Tate had moved in.

At The Pet Sounds Studio in 1966Cashbox, Wikimedia Commons


31. He Was Responsible

By the end of the night, Sharon Tate and her three companions had all perished in a sadistic bloodbath.


Even though Wilson had not introduced Manson to Sharon Tate, he had connected Manson to 10050 Cielo Drive. Some can’t help but reflect that if Wilson hadn’t introduced Manson to Melcher, Sharon Tate and her friends would still be alive today. 

Shortly after these atrocious acts, Wilson had a surprise visit.


Sharon TateSharon Tate fan Lily Laurent, Flickr


32. He Gave Him Money

Soon after the Manson family’s murderous spree, Manson himself showed up at Wilson’s home. Manson told Wilson that “he’d been to the moon”. Besides relaying that vague piece of information, Manson also hit up Wilson for some much-needed cash. Wilson complied and Manson left him in peace.


Unfortunately, Wilson was about to learn the horrible truth.

American criminal Charles MansonMirrorpix, Getty Images


33. He Found Out The Truth

A while after Manson left Wilson with his money, Wilson found out about the loss of Sharon Tate and her guests. He had heard about the macabre events at 10050 Cielo Drive but hadn’t yet made any connection to Manson. When the authorities caught Manson and his cohorts, the headlines were out there.


Wilson’s ex-friend Manson had been the mastermind behind this horrific event. 

Obviously, the authorities were going to want to talk to Wilson.

Charles Manson in 1973Fitzgerald Whitney, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


34. He Was Scared

Wilson didn’t have much time to come to terms with the fact that his friend was a psychopath. The district attorney’s office wanted Wilson on the stand to testify against Manson and other members of the notorious family. But there was just one problem.


He was absolutely terrified by the prospect of doing so. 

The DA needed a witness, so Wilson was in a very tough spot.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


35. He Wasn’t Completely Sane 

Thank goodness the DA also had Gregg Jakobson to testify against the Manson Family members, so they didn’t actually need Wilson anymore. However, that wasn't the only reason why the DA gave up on Wilson.


Melcher said that Wilson was having trouble “separating reality from fantasy”. I guess the prosecution didn’t want anyone on the stand who wasn’t completely sane.

It was time for Wilson to finally wash his hands of Manson... However, as we'll soon learn, this was no simple task for the troubled Beach Boy.


A screenshot of the movie Manson: Music from an Unsound MindSpiritlevel Cinema, Manson: Music from an Unsound Mind (2019)


36. He Tried His Hand At Acting

Around this time, Wilson received an out-of-the-blue offer. A director named Monte Hellman was working on a film about street racing, and he seemed intent on hiring musicians as actors. He had James Taylor as the lead and was in desperate need of another male actor. That’s when a friend of the casting director gave Wilson’s name as a potential actor. 

Hellman liked what he saw and hired Wilson, saying that the Beach Boy "had lived that role, that he really grew up with cars".

James TaylorCMA/Warner Records, Wikimedia Commons


37. He Had One True Love 

Two-Lane Blacktop received mixed reviews, but later went on to become a cult classic. Wilson, not thrilled with the movie business, turned to romance.


In 1970, Wilson married Barbara Charren, who many say was Wilson’s true love. He wrote “Lady” and “Barbara” for her, and the couple went on to have two children. 

But being a family man wasn’t enough. Wilson still wanted more.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


38. He Was Different

Warner-Reprise, The Beach Boys’ record label complimented Dennis Wilson's songwriting capabilities. Tracks like "Forever" and "Slip On Through" were standouts, and the label believed that Wilson's contributions had a more contemporary feel to them than other Beach Boys' tunes. This led Wilson to make a drastic decision.


Dennis Wilson and Wife During RehearsalMark Sullivan, Getty Images


39. He Pulled Them

Wilson had prepared two songs for the 1971 Beach Boys' album Surf’s Up. They were “4th of July“ and “(Wouldn’t It Be Nice to) Live Again”. Surprisingly, when the album came out neither song was on it. Wilson later said that he pulled the songs because they didn’t flow with the other Beach Boys' songs. However, the band's manager had another story to tell.



According to him, there was friction between bandmates behind the scenes and Wilson desired to hold back his songs for his own solo album. Of course, a tour was necessary for Surf’s Up, but Wilson found a way to mess that up.

The Beach Boys for Billboard in 1971Unknown author, Wikimedia Commons


40. He Had An Accident 

In May 1971, Wilson “accidentally” put his hand through a glass window, which caused a severing of his tendons and nerves. It also meant that he couldn’t play drums for the tour. Wilson was becoming undependable and what followed was him repeatedly quitting, rejoining, and getting fired from The Beach Boys.


Still, nobody could have foreseen the tragedy in store for him.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


41. He Did Better

By the late 1970s, Wilson had a lot of his own material, and he decided to make a solo album. He partnered with Caribou Records, and they pretty much gave him a blank slate as long as he worked alongside Gregg Jakobson.


The album was Pacific Ocean Blue, and it ended up doing better than the two Beach Boys albums that followed it. 

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


42. He Couldn't Shake The Manson Family

In the years following the horrific losses at 10050 Cielo Drive, Dennis Wilson couldn't escape the memory of Manson. Allegedly, members of the Manson Family began calling him.


Their message? Just two terrifying words: "You're next". Many believe that Wilson's ensuing struggle with addiction stemmed from all of the tragedy his affiliation with Manson created.

Photo of Dennis WilsonMichael Putland, Getty Images


43. He Quit

Wilson, maybe still in distress over his run-in with the Manson Family, continued to drink heavily, and his substance problem also escalated.


Because of this, he could barely speak, and he couldn't even remember how to play the guitar. In September 1977, he told Rolling Stone magazine that he had quit The Beach Boys because they could not accept that he had a successful solo album. 

Wilson headed down a dangerous path, and in 1979, he found someone to take the journey with him.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


44. He Was A Party Animal 

In 1979, Wilson—now divorced from Charron—started dating Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie. The members of Fleetwood Mac certainly knew how to party, but according to Mick Fleetwood, McVie could barely keep up.


Fleetwood couldn’t believe how much time Wilson spent boozing and snorting. 

Wilson and McVie lasted until 1982, and then Wilson’s dating life took a bizarre turn.

Christine McVie performingRaph_PH, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons


45. He Met A Girl 

Wilson met a woman named Shawn Marie Harris—and fell head over heels for her. That's when the other shoe dropped.



Wilson discovered some disturbing news. Shawn claimed to be his bandmate Mike Love’s illegitimate child. This sent Wilson for a loop, but he still wanted to marry Harris. 

Remember Love was not just Wilson’s bandmate—he was also his cousin. There was now the question as to whether this marriage would even be legal.


The Beach Boys In AmsterdamGijsbert Hanekroot, Getty Images


46. There Was No Proof

As it turned out, it is legal to marry your cousin’s daughter. So, marry they did. However, Love never officially acknowledged that Shawn was his child. Of course, this turn of events did nothing to repair the damaged relationship between Wilson and Love. And, on top of this, the tensions were about to increase exponentially.


Mike Love in 2018Drussel1, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


47. He Wanted To Buy Big

In 1981, Brian Wilson’s girlfriend—Carolyn Williams—had a complaint about Wilson. She said that he was trying to get Brian to participate in a rather large purchase of illicit substances to the tune of $15,000. Because of this, Brian’s bodyguard and Mike Love’s brother Stan went over and beat Wilson up. The authorities found out and fined the two men $1,000.



Wilson got a restraining order against them, but his troubles were far from over. 

Brian Wilson Of The Beach BoysIthakaDarinPappas, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


48. He Got Into A Fight

The Beach Boys had had it with Wilson. They told him he had to check into rehab or else he'd suffer the consequences: They wouldn't let him perform with them any longer. Wilson checked into a therapy center in Arizona, and then the hospital in Santa Monica, California.


On Christmas day. Wilson was not in a good way. He left the hospital and went down to the Santa Monica Bay Inn, where he got into a fight. 

Alone and wounded, he had to do something.

A screenshot of the movie The Beach Boys: An American BandHigh Ridge Productions, The Beach Boys: An American Band (1985)


49. He Had A Strange Idea

Wilson went to the hospital to have his injuries tended to, and then started drinking again.


In his inebriated state, he had a strange idea. Years before, some of his ex-wife’s belongings had ended up on the ocean floor, near where he kept his yacht. On December 28, 1983, Wilson decided he wanted to retrieve these belongings. A very inebriated Wilson walked straight into the cool Pacific Ocean.



This would be his last dip in the sea.

Dennis Wilson In Central ParkJack Vartoogian, Getty Images


50. They Argued One Last Time

Wilson drowned that day, and it didn’t take long for the ever-arguing Beach Boys to cause a stir.  Wilson’s widow was certain that her husband had wanted an ocean burial. The law stated that full body burials at sea were only for Coast Guard and Navy members, and that all others had to go through cremation.


The Wilson brothers strongly opposed this option. 

That’s when support came from a very unlikely source. 

The Beach Boys in 1979Caribou Records, Wikimedia Commons


51. He Rested In Peace 

President Ronald Regan heard about the burial problem and decided to make an exception for Wilson. Now, Wilson could finally rest in peace in the ocean he loved so much.



Dennis Wilson in OsloMichael Putland, Getty Images



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