October 22, 2024 | Andie Mack

Disney Villains We Forgot About

Disney Villains We Forgot About

Disney villains captivate audiences, driving plots and highlighting the hero's journey—but some villains fade from memory when new films and characters emerge. These Disney villains offer humor and highlight the complexities of the main characters but have been forgotten by many.


Shenzi, Banzai, And Ed: Lion King (1994)

Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are the comedic trio of hyenas who align with Scar in his quest for power. They may be minor villains, but they remind us that every great king needs a triad of hilariously chaotic sidekicks. Audiences often forget the hyenas because, in a world of colorful villains, their humor gets lost in the laughter.

Screenshot of Shenzi, Banzai, And Ed (hyenas) from - Lion King (1994)Walt Disney Pictures, Lion King (1994)


Duke Of Weselton: Frozen (2013)

A shrewd, opportunistic trader who seeks to exploit Arendelle's resources for his own gain, Weselton is initially charming before revealing his true colors. The poor Duke had no hope of fame when he was up against the vocal juggernauts of Elsa and Anna!

Screenshot of Duke Of Weselton from -  Frozen (2013)Walt Disney Pictures, Frozen (2013)

Monsieur D'Arque: Beauty And The Beast (1991)

Monsieur D'Arque is the sinister head of the asylum. His more subtle villainy plays second fiddle to Gaston and the enchanting story; he tends to fade into the background, making him less recognizable to audiences.

Screenshot of Monsieur D'Arque from - Beauty And The Beast (1991)Walt Disney Pictures,Beauty and the Beast (1991)

LeFou: Beauty And The Beast (1991)

While Gaston is the main antagonist, his accomplice, LeFou, adds a comedic but antagonistic element. Lefou may be Gaston's loyal sidekick, but this leaves him stuck in the friendzone of villainy. Lefou is mainly on the sidelines while everyone else steals the spotlight.

Screenshot of LeFou from - Beauty And The Beast (1991)Walt Disney Pictures,Beauty and the Beast (1991)


Iago: Aladdin (1992)

While Jafar is the main antagonist, his henchman, Iago, adds a layer of cunning and mischief to the story. Iago might be a parrot, but with his scheming ways and sarcastic quips, he's proof that even birds can have a knack for drama and mischief! Sadly, well-timed quips are standard practice in Disney and do not guarantee name recognition.

Screenshot of Lago - from Aladdin (1992)Walt Disney Pictures, Aladdin (1992)

Bruce: Finding Nemo (2003)

Bruce is a toothy oceanic heavyweight with a heart of gold. He is determined to prove that not all sharks are fearsome—especially when they're on a diet of fishy friendship. Bruce becomes a villain despite his friendly demeanor, but he lacks a bigger bait to hook audiences!

Screenshot of Bruce from - Finding Nemo (2003)Walt Disney Pictures, Finding Nemo (2003)

The Dentist: Finding Nemo (2003)

The Dentist is the villainous figure who snatches Nemo, sticks him in a fish tank, and treats him like a glorified goldfish toy rather than a real fish! The Dentist adds to Nemo's adventure, but like a dentist appointment, you might dread it at first, yet once it’s over, you can’t remember anything!

Screenshot of the dentist from - Finding Nemo (2003)Walt Disney Pictures, Finding Nemo (2003)


Sid Phillips: Toy Story (1995)

The mischievous neighbor, Sid, is known as an imaginative toy enthusiast. While he’s a memorable antagonist with a penchant for toy tinkering, the film focuses on Woody and Buzz's adventures, leaving Sid feeling like a quirky footnote in their story.

Screenshot of Sid from - Toy Story (1995)Walt Disney Pictures, Toy Story (1995)

Bomb Voyage: The Incredibles (2004)

Bomb Voyage is a vivid and villainous French mime that proves even explosive plans can have a touch of theatrical flair. His true downfall is appearing in a film that’s comparable to an overcrowded superhero convention!

Screenshot of  Bomb Voyage from - The Incredibles (2004)Walt Disney Pictures, The Incredibles (2004)

The Underminer: The Incredibles (2004)

The Underminer bursts onto the scene with a dramatic flair, declaring, "I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!" Much like the other villains, he is a mole in a blockbuster—good luck finding him when the action is above ground!

Screenshot of The Underminer from -  The Incredibles (2004)Walt Disney Pictures, The Incredibles (2004)


Syndrome: The Incredibles (2004)

Once a hopeful fan of Mr Incredible, Syndrome transforms into a tech-savvy villain fueled by bitterness and a desire for revenge. Viewers may have forgotten Syndrome because of the film's more iconic characters, especially when he can't go around with a big "BS" on his shirt!

Screenshot of  Syndrome from - The Incredibles (2004)Walt Disney Pictures, The Incredibles (2004)

Dawn Bellwether: Zootopia (2016)

Bellwether is the seemingly sweet and unassuming assistant mayor with a penchant for cunning manipulation. Her betrayal highlights her villainy, as she uses her position of power to further her agenda while maintaining a façade of innocence. Even with her clever reveal as a villain, her role as a secondary antagonist leaves a less lasting impression.

Screenshot of  Dawn Bellwether from - Zootopia (2016)Walt Disney Pictures, Zootopia (2016)

Mrs Alywood: The Watcher In The Woods (1980)

This movie tried and failed to mix eerie supernatural vibes with Disney charm. Even Bette Davis' legendary talent, cast as Mrs Alywood, couldn't rescue the film from its messy plot. And even if you remember the ‘80s, you'll need a treasure map to find this movie and its villain buried under questionable fashion and VHS tapes!

Screenshot of  Mrs. Alywood from - The Watcher In The Woods (1980Walt Disney Pictures, The Watcher In The Woods (1980)


Tamatoa: Moana (2016)

Tamatoa is the dazzling, giant crab in Moana who hoards shiny treasures and seeks to possess Maui's magical fishhook. He embodies greed, vanity, and all things diabolical. With all the odds stacked in his favor, few villains stand a chance against Maui AKA The Rock—he's like a boulder rolling downhill!

Screenshot of Tamatoa from - Moana (2016)Walt Disney, Moana (2016)

Kakamora: Moana (2016)

These naughty, coconut-clad pirates attempt to take the heart of Te Fiti from Moana and her crew. They become a comical yet pesky presence, just enough to be annoying but insufficient to capture the spotlight.

Screenshot of Kakamora from - Moana (2016)Walt Disney Pictures, Moana (2016)

The Stabbington Brothers: Tangled (2010)

Cunning and ruthless bandits known for their scheming ways, the Brothers are secondary antagonists overshadowed by the more memorable and charismatic characters. Their brief screen time and lack of a deeper backstory lessen their impact.

Screenshot of  the Stabbington Brothers from - Tangled (2010)Walt Disney Pictures, Tangled (2010)


Shan Yu: Mulan (1998)

Shan Yu is the fearsome leader of the Huns, known for his brutal strength and relentless pursuit of conquest. Audiences often forget Shan Yu, despite his intimidating presence, as he lacks the complexity and memorable traits of other Disney villains.

Screenshot of Shan Yu from - Mulan (1998)Walt Disney Pictures, Mulan (1998)

The Hooligans: Cars (2006)

The Hooligans are a group of mischievous, troublemaking cars who create chaos in Radiator Springs. They are often overlooked in Disney villain iconography because their role is more comedic than menacing.

Screenshot from the movie - Cars (2006)Walt Disney Pictures, Cars (2006)

The Delinquent Road Hazards: Cars (2006)

This gang of rowdy cars is known for causing chaos and mischief on the highway. In Cars, they serve as another group of comedic antagonists who disrupt McQueen's journey. They contribute to the mayhem of Radiator Springs but hold little consequence.

Screenshot of  The Hooligans from - Cars (2006)Walt Disney Pictures, Cars (2006)


Waternoose: Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Waternoose is the cunning and manipulative CEO of Monsters, Inc. He prioritizes power and profit over the well-being of children. He plots to maintain the company's scare factory at all costs, but it's insufficient to stand out against the main storyline.

Screenshot of Waternoose from - Monsters, Inc. (2001)Walt Disney Pictures, Monsters,Inc. (2001)

Anastasia And Drizella Tremaine: Cinderella (1950)

Audiences often forget the Tremaine sisters, primarily overshadowed by their more iconic and malevolent mother, Lady Tremaine. Their relatively limited screen time and lack of depth compared to the leading players make them less memorable in Disney's villain lineup.

Screenshot of Anastasia And Drizella Tremaine from - Cinderella (1950)Walt Disney Productions, Cinderella (1950)

Pain And Panic: Hercules (1997)

Pain and Panic are great. It's a shame they are often overlooked because they bring Hercules a perfect blend of comedic relief and ineptitude. They serve as bumbling sidekicks to Hades while providing hilariously chaotic moments. Only the most fan-tastic Disney devotee will recall the comedic mischief of Pain and Panic!

Screenshot of Pain And Panic from - Hercules (1997)Walt Disney Productions, Hercules (1997)


Jasper And Horace Badun: One Hundred And One Dalmatians (1961)

Horace and Jasper Badun are Cruella de Vil's bumbling, comedic henchmen. They are hilariously inept as they assist her in her wicked scheme to snatch the titular puppies. Their more straightforward archetypes make them forgettable, especially compared to more modern villains.

Screenshot of  Jasper And Horace Badun from - One Hundred And One Dalmatians (1961)Walt Disney Animation Studios, One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)

Governor Ratcliff: Pocahontas (1995)

Governor Ratcliffe is the ambitious, greedy antagonist eager to exploit the New World’s riches. Unfortunately, his lack of charisma and depth makes him more of a caricature of greed and colonialism than a standout Disney villain.

Screenshot of Governor Ratcliffe from -  Pocahontas (1995)Walt Disney Productions, Pocahontas (1995)

Madame Medusa: The Rescuers (1977)

Madame Medusa is less well-known than many other Disney villains, mainly due to The Rescuers' relative obscurity compared to more popular films in the Disney canon. While she has a distinctive design and a memorable, greedy personality, her film's lower profile means she often gets overshadowed by more iconic Disney characters.

Screenshot of  Madame Medusa from - The Rescuers (1977)Walt Disney Animation Studios, The Rescuers (1977)


Diablo: Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Diablo, Maleficent's loyal pet raven in Sleeping Beauty, is somewhat known but often overshadowed by his master, the iconic Maleficent herself. While he has a memorable presence and adds to Maleficent's menacing aura, he typically doesn't receive as much attention as the film's primary villain, making him a lesser-known character in the Disney villain roster.

Screenshot of Diablo from - Sleeping Beauty (1959)Walt Disney Productions, Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Bowler Hat Guy, Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: Meet The Robinsons (2007)

Goob, a once-promising inventor, turns bitter after being overshadowed, leaving him with more grudges than energy. By game time, Goob is tired and frazzled from dodging the protagonist's wild inventions and relentless chatter, and he can only catch a snooze in the outfield! Both Goob and this overlooked film gem deserve a second look.

Screenshot of Bowler Hat Guy from - Meet The Robinsons (2007)Walt Disney Pictures, Meet The Robinsons (2007)

Claude Frollo: The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)

Disney aficionados often overlook Frollo, as he lacks the charisma of more colorful villains, even though he wields the authority of a judge with the intensity of a thousand dramatic monologues. With a fixation on law and order, he's more likely to give a stern lecture than a show-stopping villain song, making him the kind of bad guy you forget—unless you're in the mood for a guilt trip!

Screenshot of Claude Frollo from - The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)Walt Disney Pictures, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)


Edgar Balthazar: The Aristocats (1970)

Edgar Balthazar, the bumbling villainous butler, schemes to eliminate the beloved cats so he might inherit their wealthy owner's fortune. The Aristocats receives less cultural attention than other Disney classics, contributing to Balthazar's fading from collective memory.

Screenshot of Edgar Balthazar from - The Aristocats (1970)Walt Disney Productions, The Aristocats (1970)

Lock, Shock, And Barrel: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Audiences often forget Lock, Shock, and Barrel despite their playful mischief. The more prominent characters like Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie, with more significant roles and deeper character arcs, easily overshadow this threesome. Their short screen time and simplistic villainy make them forgettable if you aren't a Sandy Claws enthusiast.

Screenshot of Lock, Shock, And Barrel from - The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)Walt Disney Pictures, The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Alameda Slim: Home On The Range (2004)

Home on the Range is like a lost episode of a quirky Western, where a trio of cows team up to save their farm from a singing cattle rustler, Alameda Slim. Very few people remember this movie, let alone its villain, proving that even in the animal kingdom, only some barnyard adventures can be a blockbuster hit!

Screenshot of Alameda Slim from - Home On The Range (2004)Walt Disney Pictures, Home On The Range (2004)


Screamrunner: Strange World (2022)

Even the most charming villains will fade into obscurity if their film is unknown. Screamrunner, the monstrous antagonist of this movie, is no match for obscurity. Strange World flopped in theaters only a few years ago, taking its heroes and villains with it.

Screenshot from the film - Strange World (2022)Walt Disney Pictures, Strange World (2022)

Sykes: Oliver And Company (1988)

Sykes faded into the recesses of the Disney pantheon despite being a loan shark with more swagger than an ‘80s music video. With a villainous vibe that screams "backup dancer," he still pales in comparison to the adorable antics of a streetwise kitten.

Screenshot of Sykes from - Oliver And Company (1988)Walt Disney Pictures, Oliver And Company (1988)

John Silver: Treasure Planet (2002)

John Silver is a villain that, sadly, few kids could easily name. Because he's more of a complex anti-hero than a classic baddie, it takes a lot of work to figure him out. He blends charm and menace like a pirate chef mixing up a questionable stew.

Screenshot of John Silver from - Treasure Planet (2002)Walt Disney Productions, Treasure Planet (2002)


Lyle Tiberius Rourke: Atlantis The Lost Empire (2001)

Despite his smooth military charm and lofty ambitions, Rourke is easily eclipsed by the film's vibrant world and delightful ensemble cast. With a plot twist that comes off as an afterthought, he becomes the kind of villain you might recall if you weren't too busy being dazzled by the glowing crystals.

Screenshot of Lyle Tiberius Rourke from - Atlantis The Lost Empire (2001)Walt Disney Productions, Atlantis The Lost Empire (2001)

The Agent: Bolt (2008)

Bolt is a lovable, overly confident canine actor who believes he has superpowers. Bolt's Agent, the ever-scheming villain, is eclipsed by Bolt’s endearing antics and the movie’s touching journey. Feeling more like a plot device than a memorable foe, The Agent's dastardly doings—and this movie—consequently fade into the background amid Disney's more iconic hits.

Screenshot of The Agent from -  Bolt (2008)Walt Disney Pictures, Bolt (2008)

Madam Mim: The Sword In The Stone (1963)

Madam Mim is a quirky and mischievous sorceress known for her playful yet villainous antics. Her obscurity might stem from a lack of significant motivation or backstory—or perhaps it's just a case of being lost in the ‘60s

Screenshot of Madam Mim from - The Sword In The Stone (1963)Walt Disney Productions, The Sword In The Stone (1963).


Ernesto De La Cruz: Coco (2017)

De la Cruz is a charming yet treacherous musician who becomes the film's main antagonist, revealing his darker side as the story unfolds. Filmgoers often overlook him, as his flashy persona and catchy songs grab attention, but other characters' emotional depth and journeys overshadow his villainy. Sadly, the film and de la Cruz are footnotes in a rich, vibrant Disney catalog.

Screenshot of Ernesto De La Cruz from - Coco (2017)Walt Disney Pictures, Coco (2017)

The Horned King: The Black Cauldron (1985)

Despite his chilling design and ominous presence, the film's convoluted plot and box office reception moved The Horned King into the shadows. With a quest for immortality that feels more like a spooky bedtime story than a riveting adventure, he is the villain no parent wants their kids to see. And it's that reasoning that led to a fight behind the scenes of The Black Cauldron

You see, the newly appointed chairman of Disney studios, Jeffrey Katzenberg, thought the dark nature and violence in the film would be too much for kids—and he took particular issue with the Horned King’s "cauldron-born" army, which was deemed to be too scary for young audiences.

 After his request to delete scenes was turned down by the producer, Joe Hale, Katzenberg took matters into his own hands and secretly edited the film himself. This turned out to be a giant mistake—12 minutes of footage were cut from the movie, making for a disjointed final cut that received poor reviews and has gone down as one of the most forgotten Disney movies.

Screenshot of The Horned King from - The Black Cauldron (1985)Walt Disney Pictures, The Black Cauldron (1985)


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