November 29, 2024 | Jillian Kent

Forgotten Disney Characters

Do You Remember Them?

Disney is known for some fantastic characters, but there are so many of them, it’s impossible for you to remember each one. Here are a few Disney characters that we bet you’ve already forgotten about—however, they just might become your favorites again.


Timothy Q Mouse

Dumbo in and of itself is one of Disney’s more underrated films. Even the live action version that came out a few years ago went primarily under the radar. Which is a shame, as Dumbo’s tiny companion is a character you shouldn’t be sleeping on.

Screenshot of Timothy Q. Mouse from - Dumbo (1941)Walt Disney Pictures, Dumbo (1941)


Uncle Albert

Mary Poppins has a fond spot in the hearts of many, however, it’s likely that even some people who say they love the film forget about Uncle Albert. Despite his big personality, he does have limited screen time, only appearing in one musical number, possibly leading to his fading fame.

Screenshot of Uncle Albert (Ed Wynn) from - Mary Poppins (1964)Walt Disney Productions, Mary Poppins (1964)


There are likely some people who will never forget Hades from Hercules due to his relatable sass. However, we wager that he still doesn’t come to mind when you’re listing all of your favorite Disney characters.

Screenshot of Hades from - Hercules (1997)Walt Disney Pictures, Hercules (1997)

Grumpy Dwarf

Yes, we will say that you remember the seven dwarfs as a whole, and when it comes to trivia night, you can likely pull out the names when needed, but do you really remember them as characters? Grumpy has all of the personality one can expect from a grump with a heart of gold.

Screenshot of Grumpy dwarf from - Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (1937)Walt Disney Animation, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)



We don’t blame you for forgetting about Cri-Kee. It’s hard to compete with Mushu’s big and hilarious personality, especially considering Cri-Kee doesn’t even speak. However, true fans of Mulan know that Mushu is nothing without Cri-Kee.

Screenshot of Cri-Kee from - Mulan (1998)Walt Disney Pictures, Mulan (1998)


Let’s be real, how many of us remember anything about Lady and the Tramp beyond the iconic spaghetti scene? However, by sleeping on this film, we’re also sleeping on the lovable Scottish Terrier, Jock. He’s the bedrock of the film and a good friend to Lady.

Screenshot of Jock from - Lady And The Tramp (1955)Walt Disney Productions, Lady And The Tramp (1955)


How can you go wrong with a tough Australian kangaroo mouse who makes all the lady mice swoon? Jake from The Rescuers Down Under often goes forgotten but will live on forever in the hearts of all who are smitten with him.

Screenshot of Jake from - The Rescuers Down Under (1990)Walt Disney Pictures, The Rescuers Down Under (1990)


Prince Phillip

There is a wide range when it comes to Disney princes, and Prince Eric and The Beast often take center stage, while many of the others get forgotten. Prince Phillip from The Sleeping Beauty is one of the poor princes who is often left behind when reminiscing happens. Considering he’s given more of a personality than most early Disney princes, this is a true shame.

Screenshot of Prince Phillip from - Sleeping Beauty (1959)Walt Disney Productions, Sleeping Beauty (1959)


Obviously, when it comes to The Sword in the Stone, King Arthur and Merlin the Magician come to mind—they are the biggest characters after all. However, that’s leaving out Archimedes, Merlin’s wise owl familiar who provides just as much education for our young soon-to-be king as Merlin himself.

Screenshot of Archimedes from - The Sword In The Stone (1963)Walt Disney Animation, The Sword in the Stone (1963)


There seems to be something about the dogs—they don’t stick in our memories as much as some of Disney’s bigger films. This time it’s Georgette from Oliver & Company that deserves more memory than we give her. While she can be a little snobbish and self-absorbed, she has all the personality.

Screenshot of Georgette from - Oliver & Company (1988)Walt Disney Pictures, Oliver & Company (1988)


Towser, Lucy, Colonel, Captain, And Sergeant Tibbs

Okay, so this is actually five characters in one. However, we never see these champions of 101 Dalmatians without each other. These three dogs, a cat, and a horse are the initiators of the Twilight Bark that alerts the city to Cruella’s evil plans.

Screenshot from - One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)Walt Disney Animation, One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)


Disney’s Fantasia is a unique film that is filled with lots of unusual characters—including Hop-Low, the short, cute mushroom that is constantly out of step with the others. While it may take a more attentive eye to catch him, he is one of the primary characters of this film, even appearing on merchandise.

Screenshot of Hip-Low from - Fantasia (1940)Walt Disney Animation, Fantasia (1940)


Atlantis: The Lost Empire is another one of Disney’s greatly underrated movies. Taking a slightly different route than some of their bigger films, it’s possible that this has contributed to less awareness of Kida and Atlantis in general, however, she deserves far more attention than she gets.

Screenshot of Kida from - Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)Walt Disney Pictures, Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)



If you’ve watched Tarzan, you likely remember that our title character was adopted by a loving ape, however, you likely forgot much else about her. That’s our Kala and she deserves to be remembered for the strong, loving mother that she was.

Screenshot of Kala from - Tarzan (1999)Walt Disney Pictures, Tarzan (1999)

Lady Kluck

Robin Hood tends to give all the attention to the title character and the merry men, however, that would be forgetting sassy, athletic, and hilarious Lady Kluck. We might dare to say she’s the best character the whole film has to offer.

Screenshot of Lady Kluck from - Robin Hood (1973)Walt Disney Animation, Robin Hood (1973)

Figment And The Dreamfinder

This one is for the 80s kids who had the funds or the proximity to visit Epcot. Figment and the Dreamfinder were the original stars of the Journey into Imagination dark ride at Epcot’s Imagination Pavilion. While Figment is still around, sadly the Dreamfinder has faded.

Screenshot of Dreamfinder from - Journey Into ImaginationWalt Disney Productions, Journey Into Imagination (1999)


Olivia Flaversham

The Great Mouse Detective could be on this list itself, simply for being a film that is vastly underrated. However, as we’re focusing on the characters we’ve forgotten, not the film, we’ll direct you to Olivia Flaversham, the whole reason that the detective adventure sets off.

Screenshot of Olivia Flaversham from - The Great Mouse Detective (1986)Walt Disney Pictures, The Great Mouse Detective (1986)


Toy Story is a cultural phenomenon, defining several generations’ view on toys throughout their childhood. Most of us remember the main gang that hung out in Andy’s room, however, a character that often goes overlooked is Wheezy, the broken squeak toy Woody finds in the sequel when he’s put on the shelf. A little ironic, as Wheezy’s entire storyline was about being forgotten.

Screenshot of Wheezy from - Toy Story 2 (1999)Walt Disney Pictures, Toy Story 2 (1999)


We’ve already reminded you about Jake from the sequel, so now we’ll turn your attention to Evinrude the dragonfly from the original The Rescuers. Though, of course, you didn’t really forget about Evinrude as everyone knows he owns the fastest boat at Devil’s Bayou!

Screenshot of Evinrude from - The Rescuers (1977)Walt Disney Animation, The Rescuers (1977)


RX-24 AKA Captain Rex

Although a character in Star-Wars: Rebels, Captain Rex existed as a Disney character first, piloting the Star-Tours cruiser before Disney purchased the rights to Star Wars and replaced him with more recognizable C-3PO and R2D2 on the ride.

RX-24, aka Peter Lee, Flickr


The imposing and sinister demon from Fantasia has certainly made an impression on those who have seen him. However, as Fantasia has faded out of popularity, not being seen as much as some of Disney’s more highly viewed films, Chernabog has been forgotten too.

Screenshot of Chernabog from - Fantasia (1940)Walt Disney Animation, Fantasia (1940)


I bet you didn’t realize that Bing Crosby was a Disney character. In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Crosby performed all of the songs that tell us about the journey of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman.

Screenshot of Ichabod Crane from - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)Walt Disney Productions, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)



We’ve reminded you of some of the mice that have been forgotten in The Great Mouse Detective, but what about our loyal hound, Toby? Toby is actually the pet of Sherlock Holmes; however, he helps out our mouse detective, Basil, on his cases as well, making him an essential part of the team.

Screenshot of Toby the Basset Hound from - The Great Mouse Detective (1986)Walt Disney Pictures, The Great Mouse Detective (1986)


It’s such a big movie, you likely think that you can name all of the characters in The Lion King—however, unless you’re a real expert, you’ll likely forget that Nala’s mother had her own name and personality. Sarafina, sadly, often gets lumped in with the rest of the lionesses and forgotten about.

Screenshot of Sarafina from - The Lion King (1994)Walt Disney Pictures, The Lion King (1994)

Madame Medusa

Disney is as well known for their villains as they are for their heroes. Unfortunately, The Rescuers foe, Madame Medusa, does not often make the cut when the names start falling. Which is a true shame as she is a top tier villainess for sure.

Screenshot of Madame Medusa from - The Rescuers (1977)Walt Disney Animation, The Rescuers (1977)



Tito brings a lot to the table for the gang of Oliver & Company and he deserves recognition for it. He is a one stop shop for all things electronic, and his heroism finally wins over the object of his affections, the previously mentioned Georgette.

Screenshot of Tito from - Oliver & Company (1988)Walt Disney Pictures, Oliver & Company (1988)

Amos And Theodore

Amos and Theodore’s slow fade into being forgotten can be entirely attributed to the fact that their film, The Apple Dumpling Gang, has not continued to be widely recognized or viewed. While they are lighthearted and entertaining, their comedy can be more subtle, possibly leading to them being forgotten in the name of louder comedy duos.

Screenshot of Theodore and Amos from - The Apple Dumpling Gang (1975)Walt Disney Productions, The Apple Dumpling Gang (1975)


Grimsby’s fate is quite common for a good servant. After all, is not the goal to fade into the background? However, Grimsby is constantly by Prince Eric’s side, proving time and time again that he wants Eric to be happy, even if he doesn’t always agree with him. That is a true friend.

Screenshot of Grimsby from - The Little Mermaid (1989)Walt Disney Pictures, The Little Mermaid (1989)


Henry Ravenswood AKA The Phantom

There are many versions of the Haunted Mansion. Henry Ravenswood is the spectral phantom in the Paris version of the ride, the Phantom Manor. Voiced by Vincent Price, he brought many iconic spooky elements to the ride, including the fiendish laugh that often echoes through the halls.

Phantom Manor View - ParisArrowdynamics, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Jack Kelly

Now, if you’re a Broadway fan, you may be thinking that of course everyone knows Jack Kelly, but the truth is Newsies didn’t really hit success until it became a Broadway musical. The 1992 movie in which Jack Kelly originated was far less viewed, leaving him forgotten as a Disney character.

Screenshot of Christian Bale (Jack Kelly) from - Newsies (1992)Walt Disney Pictures, Newsies (1992)


A Goofy Movie lives fondly in the memories of many who grew up with it, however, the popstar that was adored by many teenagers is often forgotten. Powerline, however, was a fairly chill and accepting celebrity, helping our heroes out in the end.

Screenshot of Powerline from - A Goofy Movie (1995)Walt Disney Pictures, A Goofy Movie (1995)



SEA, otherwise known as Society of Explorers and Adventurers, is a secret society that unites Disney attractions. The majority of the members—Harrison Hightower III, Lord Henry Mystic, Barnabus T Bullion, Mary Oceaneer, and Dr Albert Falls—are fictional founders of attractions in Tokyo DisneySea and Hong Kong Disneyland, however, they do link to attractions even in the states.

Tokyo DisneySea, Tokyo Disney Resort, Japan.PeterPanFan, Flickr


Appearing in the 2010 version of Alice in Wonderland, Absolem was the wise and enigmatic Blue Caterpillar. He does not have much screen time in the film, however, when he did appear, he made an impression. This was likely, in part, due to the distinctive voice of the late Alan Rickman.

Screenshot of Absolem from - Alice In Wonderland (2010)Walt Disney Productions, Alice in Wonderland (2010)


We’ve got another one of Andy’s toys that you likely forgot; however, RV plays a very significant role in the original Toy Story. Without RV at the end of the film, Woody would not be able to save Buzz and bring the entire toy family back together.

Screenshot from the movie -  Toy Story (1995)Walt Disney Pictures, Toy Story (1995)



The Hunchback of Notre Dame is an interesting Disney movie, adapted from Victor Hugo’s novel of the same name. Much of this film is likely forgotten by many, including Archdeacon, who plays the moral compass of the film, saving infant Quasimodo and attempting to save him again further on in the film.

Screenshot of Archdeacon from - The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)Walt Disney Pictures, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)


The Emperor’s New Groove is a Disney movie that deserves far more recognition than it gets. Its leading characters, Pacha, Kuzco, Kronk, and Yzma, have found footing in pop culture but Pacha’s wife, Chicha is tragically forgotten—especially since she’s clearly keeping Pacha’s family and home together for him.

Screenshot of Chicha from - The Emperor's New Groove (2000)Walt Disney Pictures, The Emperor's New Groove (2000)

Audrey Ramirez

Again, Atlantis was a vibrant film full of amazing characters that do not get the recognition that they deserve. Among them is Audry Ramirez, who’s the chief mechanic of the Atlantis expedition, despite her incredibly young age.

Screenshot of Audrey Ramirez from - Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)Walt Disney Pictures, Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)



Roz is the real boss of Monsters, Inc and everyone knows it. Even before we realize that she was an agent of the Child Detective Agency the entire time, you know that she ruled that workplace, and definitely deserves to be remembered for it.

Screenshot of Roz from - Monsters, Inc. (2001)Walt Disney Pictures, Monsters, Inc. (2001)


Treasure Planet was a unique adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, taking the basic plot of the novel and transferring it to a futuristic space-traveling universe. BEN is likely forgotten as he only appears halfway through the film. However, that makes him no less important for it.

Screenshot of B.E.N. from - Treasure Planet (2002)Walt Disney Pictures, Treasure Planet (2002)

Honey Best

The truth is, no one really forgets about Honey Best. They just forget her name as they never see her. That being said, Honey Best, the wife of Lucius Best AKA Frozone in The Incredibles, is the most relatable character Disney has, and we are all rooting for her evening, which was most definitely in danger.

Screenshot of Frozone from - The Incredibles (2004)Walt Disney Pictures, The Incredibles (2004)



The Princess and the Frog is a beautiful modern Disney movie that has gotten forgotten about in the shadow of blockbuster movies like Tangled and Frozen. The entire movie deserves to be remembered more; however, Tiana’s best friend Charlotte often gets neglected. She is the perfect best friend in every definition of the word. We all need a Charlotte.

Screenshot of Charlotte from - The Princess and the Frog (2009)Walt Disney Pictures, The Princess and the Frog (2009)


Speaking of Tangled, another character that isn’t always remembered is Pascal. Disney is well known for their animal sidekicks; every Disney princess seems to need to have one. Pascal, Repunzal’s sassy (if mute) chameleon often gets forgotten in the shadow of Maximus, the horse.

Screenshot of Pascal from - Tangled (2010)Walt Disney Pictures, Tangled (2010)

Mama Coco

Mama Coco provides real heart to Disney’s Coco, giving Miguel with the unwavering support that all children need. She believes in him, and it’s this belief that helps him from the start of his journey.

Screenshot of Mama Coco from - Coco (2017)Walt Disney Pictures, Coco (2017)


Colt Bronco

Onward came out during the pandemic, and because of this, it does not get as much attention as it deserves. While many of the characters from Onward are forgotten, Colt Bronco, the Lightfoot boys’ stepfather, provides a relatable figure to many in a similar family situation. He’s just trying his best and deserves to be remembered for that.

Screenshot of Colt Bronco from - Onward (2020)Walt Disney Pictures, Onward (2020)

Little Noi

Another movie that came out during the pandemic, Raya and the Lost Dragon suffered from poor timing when it comes to viewership and memorability. However, little Noi and her Ongis end up being a key part of Raya’s team, and therefore deserve to be remembered as such.

Screenshot of little Noi from - Raya and the Lost Dragon (2021)Walt Disney Pictures, Raya and the Lost Dragon (2021)

Judge Doom

Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a unique take for Disney when it was released in 1988, blending live action with animation. While it has remained in the Disney canon as a recognizable name, it is not nearly as widely watched as it once was, likely contributing to its villain, Judge Doom, being forgotten.

Fun fact: In Bambi, the hunter who kills Bambi's mother was originally credited as just "Man," but an early draft of Who Framed Roger Rabbit was going to reveal that her killer was actually Judge Doom!

Screenshot of Judge Doom from - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)Walt Disney Pictures, Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)


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