Whether he's making us laugh in comedies or diving into intense biopics, Zac Efron has proven he's more than just a Disney icon. But which films truly stand out, and which miss the mark?
The 80s gave us unforgettable music and legendary bands. Decades later, many artists are still rocking stages and delighting fans. Here, we have 44 still picking up microphones and selling out venues.
Reality has rules, but some anime characters didn't get the memo. They've pushed past usual limitations and achieved powers that boggle the mind. So, here's a look at some characters the audience believes are the strongest.
The opening credit sequence of a television show is kind of of a big deal. When it's good it is engaging, interesting, visually stimulating and gets you ready and excited for the show to come. These are the best to do it.
We all love it when our favorite reality show cast goes on a road trip because you know two things could happen. One is people reconcile. The second is drama. These 25 are right at the top of that Real Housewives franchise pile.