Here Comes The Beatles Trivia
They are arguably the greatest band of all time with fans all over the world. But how well do you know The Beatles? See how many of these 20 questions about the Fab Four you can answer correctly?
Answer 15-20 Correctly: Come Together And Celebrate
10-14: You Should Feel Fine About It
5-9: You Might Need A Little Help From Your Friends
0-4: Not so Fab Four
Q: Where Did The Beatles Play Their Last Paid Concert?
Note: We said last PAID concert—thus the band's rooftop concert from their Apple Corps headquarters on January 30, 1969 doesn't count.
A: Candlestick Park
The final paid concert of The Beatles' career took place on August 29, 1966 at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, California. They went on at 9:27 pm and played to an audience of 25,000. The band was paid a $50,000 performance fee.
Mother's Cookies, Wikimedia Commons
Q: List The Members Of The Band From Oldest To Youngest
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr
Bonus Point: Do you know their birthdays?
United Press International, Wikipedia
A: Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison
Ringo Starr (July 7, 1940)
John Lennon (October 9, 1940)
Paul McCartney (June 18, 1942)
George Harrison (February 25, 1943)
Eva Rinaldi, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Q: What Was The Beatles' First Number One Hit In The United States?
1: "She Loves You"
2: "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
3: "A Hard Day's Night"
4: "Help!"
Mikael J. Nordström, Wikimedia Commons
A: "I Want To Hold Your Hand"
"I Want to Hold Your Hand" hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on February 1, 1964. For those who answered "She Loves You"—you were close. That one hit number one on March 21, 1964.
Q: What Was The Working Title For The Song "Yesterday"?
Lennon and McCartney were known to use working lyrics and titles for songs in progress until they had written something proper.
Bernard Gotfryd, Wikimedia Commons
A: "Scrambled Eggs"
The working lyrics for the opening verse to "Scrambled Eggs" were: "Scrambled eggs/Oh my baby how I love your legs/Not as much as I love scrambled eggs".
Takeaway, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Q: Who Were The Three Drummers The Beatles Had Before Ringo Starr?
Ringo Starr joined the band in 1962. However, from 1960-62, the band went through three different drummers. Can you name them? Give yourself a point if you can name at least two of the three.
Bonus Point: Name all three
Omroepvereniging VARA, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
A: Tommy Moore, Norman Chapman, Pete Best
Tommy Moore – drums (1960)
Norman Chapman – drums (1960)
Pete Best – drums, vocals (1960–1962)
Urbankayaker, Wikimedia Commons
Q: What Were The Beatles' First And Last Studio Albums?
Note: We're asking about release dates here—not when the albums were recorded (which, as some of you may know, is an important distinction).
United Artists, Wikimedia Commons
A: Please Please Me, Let It Be
Please Please Me: Released in the UK in March of 1963. The first American release was "Introducing... The Beatles" in January of 1964.
Let It Be: Released in May of 1970. Let It Be was recorded before Abbey Road, but released after.
Q: The Beatles Recorded "Please Please Me" In One Day.
As we just mentioned previously, Please Please Me was the band's debut album. The record included both covers and original material.
Minnesota Historical Society, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
They recorded the whole thing at EMI Studios on February 11, 1963. George Martin added overdubs to "Misery" and "Baby It's You" nine days later.
Q: What Is The Opening Song On The "Abbey Road" Album?
1: "Come Together"
2: "Something"
3: "You Never Give Me Your Money"
4: "Octopus's Garden"
A: "Come Together"
The first four songs of side one are (in order):
1: "Come Together"
2: "Something"
3: "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"
4: "Oh! Darling"
Q: What Was The Original Title Of "Hey Jude"?
The "Hey Jude" single was the band's first release on their Apple record label, and at the time, it tied the record for longest run at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 (nine weeks).
Ank Kumar, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
A: "Hey Jules"
McCartney wrote it for John Lennon's son, Julian. At the time, Lennon had left his first wife Cynthia Powell, for Yoko Ono—which caused some tension in the band and in Lennon's family.
To quote McCartney: "I started with the idea ‘Hey Jules,’ which was Julian, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Hey, try and deal with this terrible thing. I knew it was not going to be easy for him. I always feel sorry for kids in divorces".
Deborah Anderson, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Q: John Lennon's Inspiration For The Song "Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite!" Came From What Item?
The song was one of three tracks on the Sgt Pepper album that were banned from playing on the BBC. The issue was the lyrics, "Henry the Horse"—because "Henry" and "Horse" were both known slang terms for H (the narcotic).
Eric Koch, CC0, Wikimedia Commons
A: An Antique Circus Poster
Specifically, a 19th-century circus poster for Pablo Fanque's Circus Royal appearance at Rochdale. "Everything from the song is from that poster," said Lennon.
Pablo Fanque, Wikimedia Commons
Q: Which Of These Albums Doesn't Feature At Least One Song With Ringo Starr On Lead Vocals?
1: A Hard Day's Night
2: Rubber Soul
3: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
4: Abbey Road
Rossano aka Bud Care, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
A: "A Hard Day's Night"
Starr's lead vocal on the other albums:
Rubber Soul ("What Goes On")
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band ("With a Little Help from My Friends")
Abbey Road ("Octopus's Garden")
Q: What Is Ringo Starr's Real Name?
"Ringo Starr" was a stage name he adopted in the late 1950s.
Bonus Point: How did he come up with the name "Ringo Starr"?
Rolando Giambelli_Brescia, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
A: Richard Starkey
Starkey came up with the name because of the rings he wore and because it implied a country and western influence. At the time, he was the drummer for Rory Storm and the Hurricanes and his singing solo's were called Starr Time.
slgckgc, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Q: "Yellow Submarine" Was First Released On What Beatles Album?
Speaking about the song, Ringo Starr said: "John and Paul have written a song which they think is for me but if I mess it up then we might have to find another country and western song off somebody else's LP". Needless to say, he didn't mess it up.
calflier001, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
A: Revolver
Starr's vocal spot on this 1966 album comes as the second to last song of side one—sandwiched between "Here", "There and Everywhere" and "She Said She Said".
Q: Put These Four Beatles Movies In Chronological Order Of Release.
-Yellow Submarine
- A Hard Day's Night
- Magical Mystery Tour
- Help!
Capitol Records, Wikimedia Commons
A: The Proper Order Is...
1: A Hard Day's Night (1964)
2: Help! (1965)
3: Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
4: Yellow Submarine (1968)
Apple Corps, Yellow Submarine (1968)
Q: Which Of These Beatles Songs Was Not Written By George Harrison?
1: "Taxman"
2: "Within You Without You"
3: "Think for Yourself"
4: "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"
David Hume Kennerly, Wikimedia Commons
A: "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"
"Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" is a song from the Rubber Soul album and was written by John Lennon. Lennon asked Harrison to add a sitar part to the song during the recording sessions.
Tony Barnard, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Q: What Is The Longest Track That The Beatles Officially Released?
Bonus Point: If you also know how long it is, we will be thoroughly impressed.
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Wikimedia Commons
A: "Revolution 9"
This track off the "White Album" runs for 8 minutes and 22 seconds. For those who said "Hey Jude"—that classic na-na-nas for 7 minutes and 12 seconds.
Q: This Lyric Is From What Beatles Song?
"Living is easy with eyes closed".
Koen Suyk, CC0, Wikimedia Commons
A: "Strawberry Fields Forever"
"Living is easy with eyes closed/Misunderstanding all you see/It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out/It doesn't matter much to me".
Jack, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Q: Which Of These People Are NOT Depicted On The Iconic "Sgt Pepper" Album Cover?
1: Stuart Sutcliffe
2: Winston Churchill
3: Bob Dylan
4: Marilyn Monroe
Kreepin Deth, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
A: Winston Churchill
Bob Dylan is in the top row, Stuart Sutcliffe is in the third row, and Marilyn Monroe is in the second row
Q: What Song Written By Lennon–McCartney Was The Rolling Stones' First UK Top 20 Hit?
Released on November 1, 1963, it was the Stones' second single, and it made its way all the way up to number 12 on the British chart that year.
Miniacipedia, Wikimedia Commons
A: "I Wanna Be Your Man"
If it sounds familiar to Beatles fans, that's probably because the Fab Four released their own version of the song—with Ringo Starr on vocals—on their second UK album, With the Beatles, and in the US on Meet the Beatles!.
Chicago Federation of Labor, Wikimedia Commons
Q: What Was The Last Song Recorded Collectively By All Four Beatles?
1: "Let It Be"
2: "Come Together"
3: "Golden Slumbers"
4: "The End"
Boer, Poppe de, CC0, Wikimedia Commons
A: "The End"
It sounds a little too on the nose, but it's true. The last track on the Abbey Road album is the final song the group recorded all together. All four Beatles have a solo in the song—including Ringo Starr. It was Starr's first drum solo he ever recorded with The Beatles.
Iberia Airlines, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
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