March 19, 2025 | Jesse Singer

Beatles Quiz: Can You Match These Lyrics To The Right Beatles Song?

Beatles Lyrics

We're all familiar with The Beatles' songs, but could you name one of their songs based on just a few of the lyrics? It sounds easy. But is it? Let's find out... See how many of these 20 songs/lyrics you can get right!

Get 15-20 right: Fab-ulous

10-14: Fab-pretty good

5-9: Fab-could be better

0-4: Not so Fab Four

Beatles Lyrics Quiz L

Q: "He Wear No Shoeshine, He Got Toe-Jam Football"

1: "Hey Jude"

2: "Come Together"

3: "I Am the Walrus"

4: "Taxman"

The Beatles at the EMI studios in Abbey Road, as they prepare for 'Our Worldits all about Rock , Flickr


A: "Come Together"

Album: Abbey Road (1969)

"He wear no shoeshine, he got toe-jam football/He got monkey finger, he shoot Coca-Cola/He say, 'I know you, you know me'/One thing I can tell you is you got to be free".

Rock and roll band here, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "It Took Me So Long To Find Out/And I Found Out"

1: "With a Little Help from My Friends"

2: "Hello, Goodbye"

3: "I Want to Hold Your Hand"

4: "Day Tripper"

Beatles On The Ed Sullivan ShowCBS Television, Wikimedia Commons


A: "Day Tripper"

Album: Yesterday and Today (1966)

"She was a day tripper/A one way ticket, yeah/It took me so long to find out/And I found out".

Rock and roll band Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images


Q: "The Sun Is Up, The Sky Is Blue/It's Beautiful And So Are You"

1: "Dear Prudence"

2: "Glass Onion"

3: "Don't Pass Me By"

4: "Julia"

The Telstars and The Beatles took part in the Swedish show Drop-In in, Wikimedia Commons


A: "Dear Prudence"

Album: The Beatles (The White Album) (1968)

"The sun is up, the sky is blue/It's beautiful and so are you/Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?/Dear Prudence, open up your eyes".

Grayscale Portrait Photo of The Beatles Members facing the cameraUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "Words Are Flowing Out Like Endless Rain Into A Paper Cup"

1: "Two of Us"

2: "I'm So Tired"

3: "Strawberry Fields Forever"

4: "Across the Universe"

The Beatles on stage at Teatro Adriano in Rome during their Italian tour, late June 1965Wikimedia Commons, Picryl


A: "Across The Universe"

Album: Let It Be (1969)

"Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup/They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe/Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind/Possessing and caressing me".

The Beatles during a performance - 1964Nationaal Archief, Picryl


Q: "Carve Your Number On My Wall/And Maybe You Will Get A Call From Me"

1: "Long, Long, Long"

2: "If I Needed Someone"

3: "Oh! Darling"

4: "Hey Jude"

The Beatles Arrive At JFK Airport - 1964United Press International, Wikimedia Commons


A: "If I Needed Someone"

Album: Rubber Soul (1965)

"Carve your number on my wall/And maybe you will get a call from me/If I needed someone".

Grayscale Portrait Photo of Paul Mccartney Performing on stageVARA, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "You Know I Work All Day/To Get You Money To Buy You Things"

1: "Can't Buy Me Love"

2: "And I Love Her"

3: "Help!"

4: "A Hard Day’s Night"

Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon during a Beatles performance for Dutch televisionOmroepvereniging VARA, CC BY-SA 3.0 NL, Wikimedia Commons


A: "A Hard Day’s Night"

Album: A Hard Day’s Night (1964)

"You know I work all day/To get you money to buy you things/And it's worth it just to hear you say/You're gonna give me everything/So why on Earth should I moan?/'Cause when I get you alone/You know I feel okay".

The Beatles Experience, Liverpool 35Ank Kumar, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "I Don't Want To Leave Her Now/You Know I Believe And How"

1: "She Loves You"

2: "Yesterday"

3: "Something"

4: "I Want to Hold Your Hand"

The Beatles in front of their hotel in Key West, Florida - 1964Florida Memory, Wikimedia Commons


A: "Something"

Album: Abbey Road (1970)

"Something in the way she moves/Attracts me like no other lover/Something in the way she woos me/I don't want to leave her now/You know I believe and how".

Beatles Press Conference -1965Minnesota Historical Society, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "There's Nothin' You Can Do That Can't Be Done"

1: "All You Need Is Love"

2: "For No One"

3: "It Won't Be Long"

4: "Revolution 9"

Beatles And George Martin In Studio - 1966Capitol Records, Wikimedia Commons


A: "All You Need Is Love"

Album: Non-album Singles

"There's nothin' you can do that can't be done/Nothin' you can sing that can't be sung/Nothin' you can say, but you can learn how to play the game/It's easy".

The Beatles Performing At The Ed Sullivan Show - 1964Library of Congress, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "Friday Night Arrives Without A Suitcase/Sunday Morning Creeping Like A Nun"

1: "Tell Me Why"

2: "Eight Days a Week"

3: "Lady Madonna"

4: "The Ballad of John and Yoko"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Boer, Poppe de, Wikimedia Commons


A: "Lady Madonna"

Album: Non-Album Single

"Friday night arrives without a suitcase/Sunday morning creeping like a nun/Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace/See how they run".

The Beatles leave Treslong after their performance  - 1964Boer, Poppe de, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "Picture Yourself In A Boat On A River/With Tangerine Trees And Marmalade Skies"

1: "Get Back"

2: "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"

3: "She's Leaving Home"

4: "When I'm Sixty-Four"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Poppe de Boer, Wikimedia Commons


A: "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"

Album: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

"Picture yourself in a boat on a river/With tangerine trees and marmalade skies/Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly/A girl with kaleidoscope eyes".

The Beatles in Hötorgscity, Stockholm - 1963Wikimedia Commons, Picryl


Q: "The Hendersons Will All Be There/Late Of Pablo Fanque's Fair, What A Scene"

1: "Dig A Pony"

2: "I'm Only Sleeping"

3: "And I Love Her"

4: "Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite!"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964National Archives, Picryl


A: "Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite!"

Album: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

"For the benefit of Mr. Kite/There will be a show tonight on trampoline/The Hendersons will all be there/Late of Pablo Fanque's Fair, what a scene/Over men and horses, hoops and garters/Lastly through a hogshead of real fire/In this way Mr. K. will challenge the world"

The Beatles at press - 1964Nationaal Archief, Picryl


Q: "Doesn't Have A Point Of View/Knows Not Where He's Going To"

1: "Nowhere Man"

2: "Drive My Car"

3: "If I Needed Someone"

4: "Run for Your Life"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Poppe de Boer, Wikimedia Commons


A: "Nowhere Man"

Album: Rubber Soul'(1965)

"Doesn't have a point of view/Knows not where he's going to/Isn't he a bit like you and me?/Nowhere man please listen/You don't know what you're missing/Nowhere man, the world is at your command".

The Beatles performing at The Ed Sullivan ShowLibrary of Congress, Picryl


Q: "She Was A Girl In A Million My Friend/I Should Have Known She Would Win In The End"

1: "Honey Don't"

2: "I’m a Loser"

3: "I'll Follow the Sun"

4: "No Reply"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Poppe de Boer, Wikimedia Commons


A: "I’m A Loser"

Album: Beatles for Sale (1964)

"Of all the love I have won, and have lost/There is one love I should never have crossed/She was a girl in a million my friend/I should have known she would win in the end".

The Beatles performing at The Ed Sullivan ShowLibrary of Congress, Pycryl


Q: "His Sister Pam Works In A Shop/She Never Stops, She's A Go-Getter"

1: "Sun King"

2: "Polythene Pam"

3: "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"

4: "Mean Mr Mustard"

The Beatles putting on their show at the Wash.Library of Congress, Picryl


A: "Mean Mr Mustard"

Album: Abbey Road (1969)

"His sister Pam works in a shop/She never stops, she's a go-getter/Takes him out to look at the Queen/Only place that he's ever been/Always shouts out something obscene/Such a dirty old man/Dirty old man".

The Beatles putting on their show at the Wash - 1964Library of Congress, Picryl


Q: "I Got My Bag, Run To The Station/Railman Says You've Got The Wrong Location"

1: "One After 909"

2: "Ticket To Ride"

3: "Blackbird"

4: "The Fool On The Hill"

The Beatles on the press conference - 1964Library of Congress, Picryl


A: "One After 909"

Album: Let It Be (1970)

"I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909/I got my bag, run to the station/Railman says you've got the wrong location/I got my bag, run right home/Then I find I've got the number wrong".

The Beatles performing at The Ed Sullivan Show - 1964Library of Congress, Picryl


Q: "And It Really Doesn't Matter If I'm Wrong I'm Right/Where I belong I'm Right/Where I Belong"

1: "From Me To You"

2: "Girl"

3: "Glass Onion"

4: "Fixing a Hole"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Nationaal Archief, Picryl


A: "Fixing A Hole"

Album: Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

"And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong I'm right/Where I belong I'm right/Where I belong/See the people standing there who disagree and never win/And wonder why they don't get in my door".

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Poppe de Boer, Wikimedia Commons


Q: "We Would Be Warm Below The Storm/In Our Little Hideaway Beneath The Waves"

1: "Polythene Pam"

2: "Her Majesty"

3: "Octopus’s Garden"

4: "Don't Let Me Down"

The Beatles on the stage - 1964Nationaal Archief, Picryl


A: "Octopus’s Garden"

Album: Abbey Road (1969)

"We would be warm below the storm/In our little hideaway beneath the waves/Resting our head on the seabed/In an octopus's garden near a cave".

The Beatles arriving and press conferenceLibrary of Congress, Picryl


Q: "She's Just The Girl For Me/And I Want All The World To See"

1: "You're Going to Lose That Girl"

2: "I’ve Just Seen a Face"

3: "Another Girl"

4: "Tell Me What You See"

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Poppe de Boer, Wikimedia Commons


A: "I’ve Just Seen A Face"

Album: Help! (1965)

"I've just seen a face/I can't forget the time or place/Where we just met/She's just the girl for me/And I want all the world to see".

The Beatles - imageLawren, Flickr


Q: "Here I stand, Head In Hand/Turn My Face To The Wall"

1: "Another Girl"

2: "Yesterday"

3: "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away"

4: "I Need You"

Abbey Road- The BeatlesRoger, Flickr


A: "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"

Album: Help! (1965)

"Here I stand, head in hand/Turn my face to the wall/If she's gone, I can't go on/Feeling two-foot small".

The Beatles - wallpaperLawren, Flcikr


Q: "I Read The News Today, Oh Boy"

1: "She's Leaving Home"

2: "Getting Better"

3: "Good Morning Good Morning"

4: "A Day in the Life"

Trade ad for Beatles' 1964Wikimedia Commons, Picryl


A: "A Day In The Life"

Album: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

"I read the news today, oh boy/About a lucky man who made the grade/And though the news was rather sad/Well, I just had to laugh/I saw the photograph".

The Beatles in Treslong - 1964Poppe de Boer, Wikimedia Commons


How Did You Do?

Did all those years spent listening to The Beatles pay off? Feel free to post your score in the comments if you want.

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The Beatles and Yoko Ono in studio.Maarten Collen, Flickr

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