January 22, 2025 | Jack Hawkins

Are You A Chicago PD Buff? How Many Of These PD Trivia Questions Can You Answer?

Are You A Chicago PD Buff? How Many Of These PD Trivia Questions Can You Answer?

Are your Wednesday nights filled with the One Chicago universe? If you watch all three shows—Chicago PD (2014), Fire, and Med—then you'll enjoy this quiz, focusing on Chicago PD.

Rss Thumb - Chicago Pd

What Is The Name Of The Unit At The Center Of Chicago PD's Plot?

Is it: A) The Major Crimes Unit, B) The Tactical Response Unit, C) Intelligence Unit, or D) Neighborhood Policing Team

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


C) Intelligence Unit

Better known as "Intelligence," Chicago PD's plot centers around a highly skilled, close-knit team of officers who solve major crimes on the streets of Chicago.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Who Is The Leader Of Chicago PD's Intelligence Unit?

Is It: A) Sergeant Hank Voight, B) Sergeant Trudy Platt, C) Jay Halstead, or D) Antonio Dawson

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

A) Sergeant Hank Voight

Voight has been in charge of Intelligence since episode 1 of Chicago PD. He's a no-nonsense, do-whatever-it-takes cop who is not always on the right side of the law but always does what's right for his city and team.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


What Is Sergeant Voight's Relationship With Detective Erin Lindsay?

Since the first season of the PD universe, Lindsay was in the precinct, totaling four seasons. During this time, she grew close to Sergeant Voight. But what was their relationship like before she joined the force?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Voight Took Her In As A Youth

After growing up on the streets, Lindsay became a young officer Voight's confidential informant. After some time, Voight and his wife took in Erin and became her legal guardians.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014- Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

What Is The Name Of Hank Voight's Wife? 

During the show, it's revealed that Voight was married to a woman who died of cancer. But what was her name? Was it A) Barbara, B) Camille, C) Christina, or D) Rosie?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


B) Camille

Camille Voight is Hank's wife. She predeceased the show at the beginning, and her death always seems to affect Hank's life and personality, even as the show progresses through the seasons.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

In Season 1, A Detective's Son Is Kidnapped By A Gang Member Known as "Pulpo". What Was The Boy's Name?

In one of the most gripping episodes of season 1, gang member Pulpo abducted an Intelligence Unit detective's son. What was the name of the boy? Was it A) Rodrigo, B) Diego, C) Adam, or D) Dalton?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

B) Diego

Detective Antonio Dawson's son—Diego—is kidnapped by the vicious Pulpo, and Dawson must defy traditional police procedures to save him.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


How Many Crossover Episodes Have There Been Between Chicago Fire And Chicago PD?

Crossover episodes usually result in something going bang or some huge catastrophe that the PD team and the rest of the One Chicago universe must work together to solve, resulting in each cast appearing in different episodes of the different shows. But how many crossover episodes have there been to date?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

11 Episodes

There have been 11 crossover episodes between Chicago PD and Chicago Fire.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

You Know Dick Wolf Created Chicago PD, Chicago Fire & Chicago Med, But What Other Show Did He Create?

A hint: This show sometimes does crossover episodes with Chicago PD.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago Med 2015-Wolf Films, Chicago Med 2015-


Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) was the creation by Dick Wolf before he created the One Chicago universe. Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler are sometimes guest stars in the One Chicago universe.

Law & Order: Organized Crime 2021-Wolf Entertainment, Law & Order: Organized Crime 2021-

Detective Jay Halstead Served In The Military Before Becoming A Police Officer, But Which Unit Was He In?

Jay's military training comes up every chance he gets to mention it. But which unit did the soldier-turned-cop serve in? Was it: A) US Army Rangers, B) US Navy SEALs, C) Delta Force, or D) CIA Clandestine Ops?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

A) US Army Ranger

Jay served with the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


Who Composes The Music Of Chicago PD?

While the Chicago PD theme isn't long or elaborate, it's memorable. But do you know who the composer is? Looking at the credits of the last episode you recorded is cheating.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Atli Örvarsson

The Icelandic composer has worked on some of Hollywood's biggest productions. Excluding CPD, he scored Angels and Demons (2009) and Pirates Of The Caribbean (2003).

Atli Orvarsson as a conductorAssakarls, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

How Many Of Chicago PD's Recurring Characters Have Been Killed In The Line Of Duty?

Do you remember how many fallen friends Sergeant Voight and company have had to bury?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-



To date, there have been three officers killed in the line of duty at Chicago PD. But that wasn't painful enough for Sergeant Hank Voight...

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Which Voight Relative Was Found Murdered In The Trunk Of A Car?

This episode was one of the hardest for Chicago PD fans to watch. Found shot in the head in the trunk of a car, which of Voight's relatives met this grisly end? Was it: A) His Son, Justin Voight, B) His Godson, Diego Dawson, C) His Brother, Charlie Voight, or D) His Sister, Tabitha Voight.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

A) His Son, Justin Voight

In the finale of the third season, "Start Digging", Hank Voight heartbreakingly finds his son, Justin, dead in the trunk of a car after a drug deal goes bad. 

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


Who Was The Serial Killer That Went By Three Names In Season 3?

In what seemed like a full season of serial killer madness, this character starred in multiple season 3 episodes, including a crossover with Law & Order: SVU. He had three names, but what were they? Were they A) Timothy Reginald Wilberforce, B) John A MacDonald, C) John Wayne Gacy, or D) Gregory William Yates.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

D) Gregory William Yates

Portrayed brilliantly by American actor Dallas Roberts, Gregory William Yates is the season 3 serial killer responsible for the murder of over 30 people.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

How Many Assistant State's Attorneys Have Had Recurring Roles In Chicago PD?

These DAs frequently come up against Hank Voight, usually exasperated at his tactics, which sometimes compromises their ability to prosecute cases.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


Three ASAs Have Recurringly Starred On Chicago PD

Just three DAs have remained for multiple seasons of Chicago PD, with ASA Nina Chapman (Sara Bues) as the current ASA. 

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

How Many Current Intelligence Unit Officers Began Their Careers On Patrol?

So, technically, every cop that's been granted access to the vaunted Intelligence Unit has done time on patrol. But how many characters started on the beat as part of their character arc?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


Four main cast members began their lives in Chicago PD as Patrol Officers.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


Who Are These Cast Members?

Bonus question: Can you tell us who they are?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Kiana Cook, Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek & Kevin Atwater

A new girl, Kiana Cook, Detective Burgess, and officers Ruzek and Atwater came up from patrol to join the Intelligence Unit.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

The Children Of The Intelligence Unit Officers Aren't Immune From The Writer's Wrath. Which Other Detective Has Lost A Child—And What Happened?

Sergeant Voight isn't the only member of the team to have suffered such a devastating event. Who else has lost their child as part of the plot? Was It A) Officer Atwater, B) Detective Olinsky, C) Detective Burgess, or D) Sergeant Platt?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


B) Detective Alvin Olinsky

In one of the most tragic losses in Chicago PD history, Detective Alvin Olinsky's 19-year-old daughter was killed in a fire at a club where she was partying. 

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Which Chicago PD Character First Appeared In Another Chicago Show Before Their Role In Chicago PD?

This Chicago PD mainstay appeared first on Chicago Fire, in an episode from the second season. But who was it?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago Fire 2012-Wolf Films, Chicago Fire 2012-

Detective Erin Lindsay

That's right! Detective Erin Lindsay first appeared to the One Chicago faithful in Chicago Fire as a love interest of Lieutenant Kelly Severide.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


Detectives Burgess And Ruzek Adopt A Daughter During Season 8. But What Is The Name Of The Girl?

Do you know the name of the young girl adopted by Ruzek and Burgess during season 8?

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Makayla Burgess

The young girl is adopted during season 8, episode 13. Although technically adopted by Kim, Burgess names Ruzek as Makayla's legal guardian.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

How Many Episodes Of Chicago PD Have Aired To-Date?

How many episodes of Chicago PD have aired to date? 

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-



That's right. Chicago PD has had just over 230 episodes. It returns on January 22, 2025!

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-

Sophia Bush's Shocking Exit

Despite being a mainstay of the series for three seasons and a fan favorite, Sophia Bush, who played Erin Lindsay, exited the show amid scandalous allegations of impropriety by co-stars. Without naming names, Lindsay said in an interview with Dax Shepard, "It was a consistent onslaught barrage of abusive behavior. You start to lose your way when someone assaults you in a room full of people, and everyone looks away, looks at the floor, looks at the ceiling, and you're the one woman in the room, and every man who's twice your size doesn't do something". 

NBC launched an investigation following the allegations made by Lindsay, specifically into Chicago PD's lead actor, Jason Beghe, but their findings were inconclusive.

Screenshot from the TV show Chicago P.D. 2014-Wolf Films, Chicago P.D. 2014-


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