May 3, 2024 | Allison Robertson

Relatable "Bluey" Quotes for Parents

Parents Everywhere Can Relate 

The true magic of Bluey is how the show entertains children while also relating to the parents who are stuck watching it with them.

If you’re familiar with the show, you’ll love this compilation of the best Bluey quotes and moments that cater to parents everywhere.

Bluey Quotes Split

Parenting Woes

Many of the show’s episodes feature brief moments when the dog parents experience typical parenting woes, getting frustrated, annoyed, tired, and doubting their abilities as parents.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


The Setting

Aside from their witty one-liners, you will also notice the setting relates to typical life with small children, such as: a messy car with stickers all over everything, laundry piles in the corners of rooms, an unorganized playroom, and the kids certainly don’t finish all of their meals.

BlueyBounty Parents


The Characters

Bluey also has very relatable characters. The children, Bluey, Bingo, and their cousins and friends are just like typical children with varying personalities.

They are impulsive, hyper, emotional, mischievous, silly, dramatic, and absolutely lovable.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Relatable Quotes & Moments

While these moments are funny to kids, they are unbelievably relatable for parents everywhere—which somehow draws us in to watch more.

Here are 21 of the most relatable quotes and moments from Bluey.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “Magic claw has no children; his days are free and easy.”

Episode 19 of season one, “The Claw,” is said to have given us one of the most memorable parenting moments of the entire series.

Bandit, Bluey’s dad, is trying to entertain his daughters using his arm as a magic claw. He responds to their constant “dad” pleas with the infamous quote, slyly telling them how tiring it is to constantly be beckoned for.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Bandit Lets the Kids Play in Water from a Broken Tap

In season 1, episode 4, Bandit brings both kids along to pick up takeout for dinner. As the girls are trying to wait patiently, they get bored and entertain themselves in several ways that test Bandit’s patience.

He eventually decides to let his kids be kids, allowing them to play in the water, which ultimately changes the entire vibe of the situation, allowing him to relax in the moment as well.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “I need twenty minutes where no one comes near me.”

Chili, Bluey’s mom, also gives us plenty of relatable parenting moments, such as this line in episode 11 of season three.

After a tough afternoon, the kids constantly demand Chili’s attention, causing her to get overstimulated and ask the kids for a break—reminding parents everywhere that it’s okay to speak up when we need a moment to ourselves.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Bandit Makes Up a Game Where He Can Lay Down

Season 3, episode 22 is another extremely relatable episode. Bandit is exhausted and the kids are begging him to play.

Bandit finds a loophole—he makes up a game where he gets to lie down on the carpet and pretend to be a whale.

Finding a way to lie down while playing with kids is hilariously relatable.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “The door. It is right here. All we need to do is walk out of it.”

This line occurs in season two, episode 12 when Chili is trying to get both kids out the door on time—a struggle many parents experience several times a day.

As she gets increasingly frustrated, she serves us a line that speaks to every parent on the planet.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “We all fail Mum school sometimes, but that’s okay. We can try again tomorrow.”

The truest statement of all time from Chili Heeler.

After playing Mum school (using a balloon) with her mother, Bluey asks her mother if she failed Mum school, and Chili responds with this—reminding mothers everywhere that no mom is perfect, and Mum school is not a pass-or-fail course.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Bandit Loses His Temper with Bingo

In season one, episode 30, Bingo interrupts her dad while he is in the middle of working. She has created something special just for him that she wants him to see, but he tells her he’s busy multiple times.

Bingo continues to seek his attention and Bandit gets frustrated and raises his voice—letting parents everywhere know that this happens to us all.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “No, it was yesterday.”

This one really got to us moms, as one of the show’s most emotional moments.

As Chili is watching her own dad play with her kids at the lake, she leans in to him and whispers, “I remember when you used to take me swimming here…that was a long time ago.”

Her dad quietly responds, “No, it was yesterday,” reminding us all how quickly time passes and how some moments will always be fondly remembered as just yesterday.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Bandit Doesn’t Keep Every Piece of Bluey’s Art

In episode 34 of the first season, Bluey finds her dad throwing away some of her old drawings—something nearly every parent has surely experienced at some point. This makes her upset, which then makes Bandit feel badly.

Bandit recovers by teaching Bluey and Bingo about recycling, thus averting the crisis when Bluey agrees to recycling her drawings so they can be made into new paper for other children.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “You’ll face harder things than a cricket ball…”

In season three, one of Bluey’s classmates, Rusty, expresses fear while playing cricket, and his dad writes him a heartwarming letter that reads: “But look, as you grow up, you’ll face harder things than a cricket ball and you’ll have two choices: Back away and get out, or step in front and play a pull shot.”

A lesson in facing your fears for us all.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Chili Cleans the Shower During a Game of Hide and Seek

When it comes to parenting it can feel like the responsibilities never end. And in season 1, episode 42, Chili reminds us that she feels the same.

In this episode, Chili plays hide and seek with her kids, and she hides in the shower. She ends up cleaning the shower while she waits for them to find her.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Chili Gets Competitive With Another Parent

Parenting is not a competition—but it can often feel that way. Chili shows us that we’re not alone in feeling like that sometimes in episode 50 of season 2.

The episode flashes back to when Bluey was a baby and Chili found herself wanting her child to walk before her friend’s.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “Remember, I’m always here for you…”

In episode 26 of season two, Bingo is learning to sleep on her own without running to her mom in the middle of the night—something many children struggle with.

Chili communicates with her young daughter through her dream, in which she tells her, “Remember, I’ll always be here for you. Even if you can't see me. Because I love you.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Taking Care of the “Boring” Things

In season one, episode 22, the family teases the mom for being uptight about packing for the pool. She decides to hang back and let them do it themselves—to which they fail, and arrive at the pool with none of their things.

The family realizes how their mom was right, and that the “boring things” still matter.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Bandit Has a Bad Day at the Beach with His Family

In season 3, episode 41, the show hits home for a lot of parents when Bandit has trouble being present during a beach day with his family.

He is visibly upset about something and sits by himself while his family plays. His wife, Chili, reminds him, “Let it go, babe. You’re missing all of this.”

This tender moment is highly-praised for showing that parents struggle with mental health too, and often have to put their problems aside for their children.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Bandit And Chilli Admit Things Would Be Easier With “Two Bingos”

Throughout the series, it becomes apparent that Bingo is easier to parent than her sister Bluey.

In season 3, episode 6, Bluey pretends to be an older version of Bingo, and when Bandit sees that there are two Bingos he says, “I could definitely get used to this.” Bluey gets upset, as she takes this to mean that her dad likes Bingo more.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “Here, we go.”

Also in the episode with two bingos, Bandit asks the kids to help with a chore. He anticipates Bluey to protest, and as soon as she begins her sentence, he quietly says to himself, “here we go..”

Something every parent everywhere has said at some point or another

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Moment: Muffin is Transition to Big-kid No-nap Life

Bluey’s cousin, Muffin is three-years-old and in episode 39 of the first season Muffin has a sleepover with Bingo and Bluey.

Muffin acts just like a typical overtired toddler who needs to sleep—highlighting the true struggles of toddlerhood.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Quote: “Well, I’ll tell you this for free, my life would be a lot easier if you were both the same.”

First of all, Bandits classic line of, “I’ll tell you this for free” is cute in itself, but the rest of this quote resonates with parents everywhere.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Other Relatable Moments: Bingo’s Bathroom Habits

In many episodes of the series you notice Bingo’s bathroom habits are very much similar to any typical child of that age.

She will often do the classic “I have to pee” dance while waiting for a parent to take her. She then spends forever in the stall, singing while she goes, pumps way too much soap into her hands and makes a mess on the floor—all while her parent tries to manage the situation.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television seriesLudo, Bluey (2018-)


Other Relatable Moments: Kids’ Frustrated Growls

Also, in many episodes you will notice Bluey and Bingo growl or grunt in frustration—just like most kids. This is especially true when they are told “no.”

Other Relatable Moments: Grocery Stores

In any episode where the family is in a grocery store you will casually notice either Bluey or Bingo adding things to the cart, and not long later one of the parents will carefully and quietly remove said item from the cart.

It’s all too real, and parents love it.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


The Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs—not the kind you decorate for Easter—are secrets, tricks and jokes hidden in pieces of media, such as TV shows, movies and video games.

Bluey has several Easter Eggs, the two most known are a tennis ball and a long dog.

Parents enjoy watching for those two items to appear in each episode.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


Final Thoughts

Bluey truly breaks the mold when it comes to well-made children’s shows. It’s attention to detail, life lessons, classic relatable humor, and honest approach to parenting caters to not only children but parents and guardians everywhere.

Finally, a show parents don’t actually mind watching with their kids.

Screenshot from Bluey animated preschool television series.Ludo, Bluey (2018-)


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