Most Eye-Opening Funny Quotes
Richard Pryor was a truth-teller who turned life's struggles into humor. His words could make people laugh while challenging them to think, whether he was talking about race, success, love, or personal demons.
When You Ain't Got No Money, You Gotta Get An Attitude
Broke? Well, you better have some swagger to make up for it! This quote is all about confidence that things will eventually be OK. When you don't have money, you can't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself—you need to carry yourself and find creative ways to get by.
I Went To Zimbabwe. I Know How White People Feel In America Now; Relaxed! Cause When I Heard The Police Car I Knew They Weren't Coming After Me!
Pryor was never one to shy away from talking about race, and this quote is classic social commentary wrapped in humor. It’s supposed to make people scratch their heads as it talks about privilege and how some people move through the world with ease that others don't get to experience.
I Believe In The Institution Of Marriage, And I Intend To Keep Trying Till I Get It Right
Pryor had multiple marriages, and he never gave up on the idea of love. This is a great take on resilience, not just in relationships but in anything worth fighting for. Failure isn't the end; it's just another lesson.
Why Richard Pryor Struggled With Women - CH News by HYPE+
There's A Thin Line Between To Laugh With And To Laugh At
Humor can bring people together or tear them apart. This is a great reminder for anyone who is in comedy or telling jokes at a party. Before cracking a joke, ask yourself: am I including people in the fun, or am I making them the punchline?
I'd Like To Make You Laugh For About Ten Minutes, Though I'm Gonna Be On For An Hour
Self-aware and straight-up funny—this quote is a little nod to how people's attention spans work. The famous comedian knew that keeping an audience engaged is hard, and sometimes, you have to work for that laugh because not every moment is going to be a hit.
Richard Pryor's 1979 Joke About Police Still Applies | Netflix Is A Joke by Netflix Is A Joke
The Way I See It, The Earth Is Going To Be Here After We're Dead And Gone. Even If It's A Polluted Planet, And They Messed It Up. Where Do They Go From Here—To Another Planet So They Can Mess That Up Too?
Humans have a habit of taking what they have for granted, only to look elsewhere when things get messy. This quote isn't just about pollution but also responsibility. If we don't take care of what we have, we'll just keep making the same mistakes.
Richard Pryor | NBC Stand Up Comedy Special | Mudbone | 1977 by Official Richard Pryor
I Just Don't Want To Die Alone, That's All. That's Not Too Much To Ask For, Is It? It Would Be Nice To Have Someone Care About Me, For Who I Am, Not About My Wallet
At the end of the day, we all just want connection. Money and success don't mean much if you don't have real people around you who care about you. Pryor struggled with personal relationships and was brutally honest about it despite his professional success.
Los Angeles Times on Wikimedia
I Became A Performer Because It Was What I Enjoyed Doing
This is the simplest yet most powerful career advice out there—do what you love. Pryor didn't become a performer for fame, but he actually did it because it brought him joy. When you love what you do, you push through challenges and stay motivated.
Relationship Advice | Richard Pryor: Live On The Sunset Strip (1982) | Now Comedy by NOW COMEDY
Movies Are Movies, And I Don't Think Any Of Them Are Going To Hurt The Moral Fiber Of America And All That Nonsense
Every generation has blamed movies or music for society's problems. As a realist, Pryor calls that out as nonsense as art reflects life but doesn't create it. People love to blame the entertainment industry instead of dealing with real issues, but this quote can be an excellent reminder.
Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash
Someone Called All The Newspapers In New York And Told Them I'd Died. I've Been Told By Almost Everyone It Was An Ex-Wife—I've Had A Few, So It's Hard To Pinpoint Which One—But Who Knows For Sure?
Pryor's humor about his chaotic personal life is classic. This quote shows how he dealt with life's absurdities, including the sensitive ones. This is a reminder to anyone dealing with drama, especially messy breakups or exes, that sometimes you have to laugh and move on.
Stopping Drinking | Richard Pryor: Here And Now | Now Playing by NOW COMEDY
I Urge You To Ask Yourself Just How Honorable It Is To Preside Over The Abuse And Suffering Of Animals
This quote is a direct challenge to people who ignore animals' suffering. It makes people question whether convenience is worth cruelty. As a powerful statement, it highlights animal rights and ethical consumption. Whether it's about factory farming or animal testing, it hits hard.
I Won't Talk About What It Was Like In Prison, Except To Say I'm Glad I'm Out And That I Plan Never To Go Back And To Pay My Taxes Every Day
Anytime someone is complaining about adult responsibilities, you can send them this quote. Pryor was always brutally honest about his past, and this quote is a mix of humor and wisdom. It's a lesson in learning from mistakes and doing the simple things (like paying taxes) to avoid trouble.
Stir Crazy (1980) - We're in Prison Scene (3/10) | Movieclips
I Think About Being Married Again, Having A Home And A Wife. No One Can Ever Be Married Too Many Times, And Maybe If I Keep Trying I'll Get It Right One Day
Marriage is a journey, not a one-time test you either pass or fail. Known for his multiple marriages, Pryor saw relationships as something to keep working on rather than giving up after failure. It’s a reminder that we can always improve.
The Last Days of Richard Pryor l PART 5 by ABC News
Sure, I Have Friends, Plenty Of Friends, And They All Come Around Wantin' To Borrow Money. I've Always Been Generous With My Friends And Family, With Money, But Selfish With The Important Stuff Like Love
Friendships can be tricky, especially when money is involved. Although giving people financial help is easy, opening up emotionally is much harder. If you know someone who is feeling drained by one-sided relationships, you can send them this quote. Remind them that true generosity isn't just about money.
Richard Pryor Confessed She Was The Love Of His Life by Black Star Chronicles
If I Thought About It, I Could Be Bitter, But I Don't Feel Like Being Bitter. Being Bitter Makes You Immobile, And There's Too Much That I Still Want To Do
Holding grudges? Dwelling on past wrongs only holds you back. Bitterness is a trap as it keeps you stuck, unable to move forward. Instead of focusing on resentment, you should keep pushing toward your goals and let the past take care of itself.
Richard Pryor - Stand Up Comedy | The Midnight Special by The Midnight Special
A Sold-Out House My First Night Back. Do You Have Any Idea What Kinda Pressure That Is? I Could Have Been At Home In My Warm Bed, Playing Nintendo
Success often comes with overwhelming pressure, and even legends like Pryor felt the weight of expectations. This quote is a funny but honest take on how, even when you're great at something, you'd rather just be home relaxing. It's ideal for moments when someone is nervous about a presentation.
It's Been A Struggle For Me Because I Had A Chance To Be White And Refused
Identity and self-acceptance aren't always easy paths. While growing up in a racially divided America, Pryor could have changed his persona to fit in, but he chose authenticity. This quote speaks to the struggle of staying true to oneself in a world that often pressures people to conform.
Richard Pryor Stand Up | The Midnight Special | August 17, 1973 by The Midnight Special
What I Am For Is Justice For Everyone, Just Like It Says In The Constitution
Fairness shouldn't be selective. This quote highlights a simple but powerful truth: if justice is truly for everyone, we shouldn't pick and choose who deserves it. It's a great response when discussing equality and a reminder that true justice doesn't play favorites.
Everyone Carries Around His Own Monsters
No one goes through life without baggage. Pryor reminds us that every person you meet—no matter how confident or happy they seem—has struggles they carry inside. These "monsters" could be past traumas, fears, insecurities, or regrets. The key is learning how to manage them instead of letting them control you.
Richard Pryor's 1979 Joke About Police Still Applies | Netflix Is A Joke by Netflix Is A Joke
Friends Take Up Time, And I Didn't Have Time
Friendships are valuable, but they also require energy and time, which the famous comedian didn't always have. This quote highlights the reality that sometimes, we get so caught up in personal goals and life struggles that maintaining friendships becomes difficult.
There's A Lot More Hypocrisy Than Before. Racism Has Gone Back Underground
Just because you don't see something as openly doesn't mean it's gone. Pryor points out that while society has changed on the surface, issues like racism and hypocrisy haven't disappeared, although they may have become less obvious. This is a sharp observation about how problems evolve rather than vanish.
Even When I Was A Little Kid, I Always Said I Would Be In The Movies One Day, And Damned If I Didn't Make It
Dreams don't happen overnight, but belief in yourself is the first step. Pryor had a vision for his life early on, and despite obstacles, he made it happen. This quote highlights the power of determination and confidence in shaping your own future.
There Was A Time In My Life When I Thought I Had Everything—Millions Of Dollars, Mansions, Cars, Nice Clothes, Beautiful Women, And Every Other Materialistic Thing You Can Imagine. Now, I Struggle For Peace
Success isn't just about money or status, as it's more about peace of mind. People should understand that material wealth doesn't always bring happiness, and sometimes, the most valuable thing is internal peace. It's a great reality check when feeling envious of someone's success or chasing material things without fulfillment.
I Believe The Ability To Think Is Blessed. If You Can Think About A Situation, You Can Deal With It. The Big Struggle Is To Keep Your Head Clear Enough To Think
Your mind is your greatest weapon, but stress and distractions can cloud it. Pryor understood that being able to think clearly is a gift because once you can analyze a problem, you can start solving it. The real challenge is maintaining that clarity.
Richard Pryor - Stand Up Comedy | The Midnight Special by The Midnight Special
Yes, I'm Religious. God Has Shown Me Things, Made Certain Ways Clear To Me
Faith isn’t always about rules and rituals. It's more about clarity and guidance, as spirituality can be a source of understanding rather than something restrictive. This quote speaks to how belief, in whatever form, can provide comfort and perspective and help anyone seeking reassurance.
Richard Pryor's 1979 Joke About Police Still Applies | Netflix Is A Joke by Netflix Is A Joke