Questions Left Unanswered
Let's look at those nagging questions that pop into your head during late-night Seinfeld reruns. The kind that makes you pause mid-laugh and think, "Wait, they never explained that!"
How Does Kramer Earn His Income?
Living in Manhattan's Upper West Side isn't cheap. This is why Kramer's money situation is another head-scratcher in Seinfeld. Throughout the nine seasons, we see him launching various get-rich-quick schemes and holding odd jobs, from a bagel shop worker to a movie set stand-in.
Kramer's Curious Contacts | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
How Does Kramer Earn His Income? (Cont.)
Jerry mentions in "The Shoes" that Kramer received a substantial sum of money in the past, but the details are never revealed. A fascinating tidbit emerges in the final season when we learn he had been on strike from H&H Bagels for 12 years before briefly returning and getting fired.
Kramer is a wealthy industrialist | Seinfeld by Sony Pictures Entertainment India
How Does Kramer Earn His Income? (Cont.)
The most plausible explanation might lie in his surprisingly successful lawsuit history. Apparently, Kramer seems to have a knack for turning minor grievances into financial settlements. Yet, for a character who regularly raids Jerry's fridge and rarely pays at Monk's, his ability to afford Manhattan rent is crazy.
What's In Jerry's Fridge? | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Do Jerry And Newman Hate Each Other?
One of the most memorable dynamics in Seinfeld kicks off in Season 3's "The Suicide" when Jerry and Newman meet for the first time. You can already feel the mutual dislike between them, especially with Newman enjoying the idea of spilling Jerry's secrets to a neighbor.
Seinfeld - Compilation of Hello Jerry and Hello Newman by Leslie Kwan
Why Do Jerry And Newman Hate Each Other? (Cont.)
What’s interesting about their rivalry is that even Jerry's mom, Helen, can't stand Newman. Obviously, this hints at some backstory between them. In the show, we get to see their snarky "Hello, Newman" exchanges and wild schemes against each other. Yet we never find out how it all started.
Seinfeld - Compilation of Hello Jerry and Hello Newman by Leslie Kwan
Why Do Jerry And Newman Hate Each Other? (Cont.)
Sometimes, the two of them have civil moments and even work together, but it never lasts. Also, Newman, who's always seen as Jerry's enemy, still lives in the same building and hangs out in the same spots. It makes you wonder if their hate is more about habit.
Seinfeld - Compilation of Hello Jerry and Hello Newman by Leslie Kwan
What Is Newman's First Name?
Unlike Kramer, whose first name (Cosmo) was revealed in Season 6 to much fanfare, Newman's first name is known to none. Some fans point to a line in Season 7's "The Bottle Deposit," suggesting his name might be Norman Newman. But this theory isn't accepted in the show's canon.
Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Seinfeld Set by Curb YourTube
What Is Newman's First Name? (Cont.)
His single-name status becomes even more intriguing when you consider that he's a postal worker. After all, his full name would definitely appear on official documentation. The series' writers have never confirmed whether they had a first name in mind for him, adding another layer to this mystery.
Bottle deposits and extra cash | Seinfeld (1989) by Sony Pictures Entertainment India
What Was George's Special Assignment From Wilhelm?
The tragicomic absurdity of George Costanza's professional life reaches its peak in the two-part episode "The Bottle Deposit". His supervisor, Mr Wilhelm, assigns him a mysterious task while in the bathroom. This hilarity stems from George's increasingly desperate attempts to figure out what he's supposed to do.
George Doesn't Understand The Assignment | The Bottle Deposit | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Was George's Special Assignment From Wilhelm? (Cont.)
He is afraid to ask for clarification because he's already known for asking too many questions. The situation alters when Wilhelm, suffering from dementia, completes the task himself but believes George did it. Looking at the bizarre result, George Steinbrenner has George committed to a mental institution.
George Doesn't Understand The Assignment | The Bottle Deposit | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Did George Ever Face Justice For Susan's Death?
In what might be Seinfeld's darkest subplot, George's fiancee Susan dies from licking toxic wedding invitation envelopes. These were the ones George had chosen because they were the cheapest option. The revelation comes out during the show finale's court case, where Susan's parents accuse George of murder.
Susan Dies | The Invitations | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Did George Ever Face Justice For Susan's Death? (Cont.)
This whole situation is tricky since there’s no statute of limitations on murder charges. Even though George has served his time for messing up the Good Samaritan law, he could still be in big trouble. However, in “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” we see George living life as if nothing happened.
George Starts Thinking About The Future | The Money | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Was Uncle Leo's Crime Of Passion?
In Season 9's "The Bookstore," we get an unexpected look at Uncle Leo's past when his criminal record comes to light. The details of his "crime of passion" are kept super vague, and it's brushed off whenever it gets mentioned.
Uncle Leo - The Bookstore ("You Still Say Hello!") by Nick Vitto
What Was Uncle Leo's Crime Of Passion? (Cont.)
But when you think about Uncle Leo's quirky traits, it gets interesting. For instance, how he always grabs people's arms, his constant worry about anti-Semitism, and just his overall intensity. Any of these quirks could definitely be connected to whatever landed him in trouble.
Jerry Sabotages Uncle Leo's Relationship | The Shower Head | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Happened During Jerry's Hawaiian Vacation With Lois?
Jerry and Lois, who have the same name as Superman's Lois Lane, begin a promising and exciting relationship. This is shown in "The Race" of season 6. They even plan a romantic getaway to Hawaii. But then, out of nowhere, Lois leaves the scene without any mention.
I Choose Not To Run | The Race | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Happened During Jerry's Hawaiian Vacation With Lois? (Cont.)
While Jerry’s relationships usually end over silly stuff, this one feels different because it seemed like they were such a good match. They both loved Superman and had the same sense of humor. The whole situation around why they broke up should’ve been displayed for the audience.
Seinfeld Scene, Old Friends HD by Cody Edmona
What Became Of The TV Show Jerry?
Looking at one of the show's more meta plots, Jerry and George try to make a comedy named Jerry. This is humorously referred to as a “show about nothing”. In the last episode, the show receives a surprise second shot following an earlier pilot failure in Season 4.
The First Show About Nothing | Seinfeld's 33rd Anniversary | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Became Of The TV Show Jerry? (Cont.)
But the timing couldn't be worse. Shortly after getting the go-ahead, both creators are given prison sentences. There is a storm of untapped potential when the show-within-a-show is picked up at the same time as its creators are facing jail time.
The First Show About Nothing | Seinfeld's 33rd Anniversary | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Was Kramer Going To Do In The Army?
We learn more about Kramer's enigmatic origins in "The Strongbox," which airs in Season 9. He actually had a short stint in the military. He has these classified discharge papers from the US Army, which hint at an interesting narrative that’s never fully explored.
Kramer Hides The Key To His Strongbox | The Strongbox | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Was Kramer Going To Do In The Army? (Cont.)
There’s also a darker moment in Season 3's "The Keys," where Kramer casually brushes off hippies when they ask if he’s ever killed someone. This makes us think about his military background. While most of Kramer's stories are played for laughs, this particular one gives a different vibe.
Kramer Loses His Key Privileges | The Keys | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Did Audrey Reject The Pie?
Here, the simple act of saying no to pie is one of those little mysteries that get you thinking. There are other times when food gets rejected. Like when Jerry skips Poppie's pizza because of the bathroom situation or when George turns down dessert just to annoy a chef.
Audrey Refuses Jerry's Pie | The Pie | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Did Audrey Reject The Pie? (Cont.)
However, Audrey’s quiet shake of the head when offered apple pie at Monk's doesn’t come with any explanation. According to fans worldwide, she might have been disgusted by the idea of sharing food with Jerry due to germ concerns. But, of course, nothing has been formally stated.
Audrey Refuses Jerry's Pie | The Pie | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Did George Stop Doing The Opposite?
Performing the complete opposite of his instincts is one of George's most successful life experiments. We get to see this in the Season 5 finale. With the help of such a great technique, Johnny gets a job with the Yankees and a lovely girlfriend.
Seinfeld | George Does The Opposite! | Throw Back TV by Throwback TV Clips
Why Did George Stop Doing The Opposite? (Cont.)
In Season 6, when George abruptly and mysteriously stops using this transformative strategy, the mystery grows. The abandonment of "the opposite" is puzzling because it was successful and resolved the majority of George's ongoing issues. As someone who makes bad choices, this may be his worst choice.
Seinfeld | George Does The Opposite! | Throw Back TV by Throwback TV Clips
What Happened To George's Russian Hat?
In "The Chicken Roaster," a fancy sable hat that costs a whopping $8,000 just vanishes. This occurs after George tries out his classic "leave behind" move at Heather's place. The whole situation gets even weirder because Heather insists she never found the hat.
George Tries To Weasel A Second Date | The Chicken Roaster | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Happened To George's Russian Hat? (Cont.)
So, did someone swipe it? Or did Heather stash it away for herself? Since the hat is so ridiculously valuable, its disappearance is a big deal. He attempts to replace the hat with a fake one made of rat hair, but this fails to fool the accountant.
George Tries To Weasel A Second Date | The Chicken Roaster | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Happened To Tony The Mechanic After Stealing Jerry's Car?
The last time we see Tony the Mechanic is such a wild moment. He is shown zooming through Ohio in Jerry’s stolen Saab while throwing golf clubs at a mail truck that Kramer and Newman are driving. After that chase in "The Bottle Deposit," Tony and Jerry's car disappears.
You Barely Know Your Car - Seinfeld (The Bottle Deposit) by Transmission Repair Guy
What Happened To Tony The Mechanic After Stealing Jerry's Car? (Cont.)
So, what happened? Did Tony just ditch the car? Were there any consequences for the theft? The episode ends without telling what happened to Tony or the car. Although the car is later reported to be destroyed, it turns out to be a different vehicle.
You Barely Know Your Car - Seinfeld (The Bottle Deposit) by Transmission Repair Guy
Where Are Jerry, George, And Elaine's Siblings?
Throughout the series' run, each main character mentions having siblings. But do they appear on screen? Not really. Apparently, Jerry has a sister, George has a brother, and Elaine has a sister. Yet, these family members remain perpetually absent, even during major life events.
George & Elaine Hang Out Alone | The Dog | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Where Are Jerry, George, And Elaine's Siblings? (Cont.)
Their absence becomes more noticeable during moments like George's engagement to Susan Ross or the main characters' imprisonment. Jerry’s older sister, Carolyn Liebling, was mentioned in one episode, "The Chinese Restaurant," but nothing else about her is known.
The Gang Can't Get A Table | The Chinese Restaurant | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
How Did Kramer's Coffee Table Book Get Published?
Pendant Publishing went under in “The Opposite”. After this, it seemed like Kramer's coffee table book about coffee tables was dead in the water. But out of nowhere, it pops up again in the episode "The Wizard" of season 9.
The Coffee Table Book - Seinfeld by Seinfeld Shorts
How Did Kramer's Coffee Table Book Get Published? (Cont.)
This happens after Kramer talks about a movie studio picking it up. It raises questions about how he managed to bring this project back to life. Who picked up the rights? It’s wild that the book found success, especially since Kramer has a haphazard way of handling his business.
Seinfeld: The Coffee Table Book (Clip) | TBS by TBS
What Was Elaine Going To Tell Jerry On The Plane?
Let’s look at this nail-biting plane situation. During a tense moment when they think the plane might crash, Elaine says she has something important to tell Jerry, but the moment passes without her revealing what it is. Could it be about their romantic past?
The Gang Take A Ride On A Private Jet | The Finale | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
What Was Elaine Going To Tell Jerry On The Plane? (Cont.)
Once they're back on solid ground, Elaine just entirely brushes it off. This leaves everyone hanging about what she was going to say. The reunion in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" hints that they are still friends, which adds curiosity to her near confession.
The Gang Take A Ride On A Private Jet | The Finale | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Did They Ever Catch The Lopper?
The show introduces two serial killers. One is The Smog Stranger in Season 4, and another is The Lopper in Season 9. Sadly, it never tells us what happens to them. Unlike other sitcoms that wrap things up, like The Office with the Scranton Strangler, Seinfeld leaves us hanging.
George & Jerry Meet The Smog Strangler | Seinfeld "The Trip" | ComedyDeck by ComedyDeck
Did They Ever Catch The Lopper? (Cont.)
Apparently, The Lopper is used as a plot device to create tension and humor, particularly in Jerry's storyline. He avoids going out at night to avoid encountering the killer. The episode focuses more on George's attempt to save his high score on a Frogger arcade machine.
Seinfeld-The Lopper by superawesom12
Why Did Jerry And Elaine Break Up After Reconciling?
Jerry and Elaine's reconciliation in "The Deal" (Season 2, Episode 9) is short-lived. The episode ends with them seemingly back together after successfully tackling the friends-with-benefits waters. But by the start of Season 3, they are no longer in a romantic relationship.
Jerry & Elaine's Arrangement Cracks | The Deal | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Did Jerry And Elaine Break Up After Reconciling? (Cont.)
As per reports, NBC executives wanted a "will they/won't they" dynamic between Jerry and Elaine, but Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld opposed this idea. "The Deal" was written as a compromise to satisfy NBC, but the creators always intended to return to the original format.
Jerry & Elaine's Arrangement Cracks | The Deal | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Did The Junior Mint Actually Save Roy?
A Junior Mint candy slides into a patient called Roy during surgery while Kramer and Jerry watch from the gallery. This has to be one of Seinfeld's most strange medical puzzles. Roy has a fatal infection that unexpectedly disappears after the occurrence.
Kramer Drops A Junior Mint In Roy | The Junior Mint | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Did The Junior Mint Actually Save Roy? (Cont.)
Despite never being proven, the episode jokingly implies that the Junior Mint may have been the cause of his recuperation. Doctors attribute the limited effect of the infection to “something from above”. The program also questions whether this is the first recorded instance of candy-based therapy.
Kramer Drops A Junior Mint In Roy | The Junior Mint | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Who Truly Invented The Umbrella Twirl?
A peculiar dispute over salesmanship innovation arises in Season 8's "The Checks". Two characters claim ownership of the same technique. Jerry insists he created "the twirl". This was a signature move of spinning an umbrella on one's shoulder to entice customers during his role as an umbrella salesman.
Could Jerry Seinfeld Be Big In Japan? | The Checks | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Who Truly Invented The Umbrella Twirl? (Cont.)
However, Teddy Padilac makes the exact same claim about inventing this sales technique. Unlike some of Seinfeld's conflicts that get resolved through humorous revelations or karmic justice, this dispute over umbrella-selling methodology remains balanced in its ambiguity. It highlights Jerry's ego and competitive nature.
Could Jerry Seinfeld Be Big In Japan? | The Checks | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Does Christie Repeatedly Wear The Same Dress?
The episode titled "The Seven" shows Jerry becoming increasingly perplexed by his girlfriend Christie's peculiar wardrobe habit. She wears the exact same dress every time he sees her. The black-and-white patterned garment with what Jerry describes as a "superhero" scoop neck isn't the issue; it's pretty stylish.
Jerry's Date Keeps Wearing The Same Dress | The Seven | Seinfeld by Seinfeld
Why Does Christie Repeatedly Wear The Same Dress? (Cont.)
The question is why Christie never wears anything else. Does she own multiple copies of the same dress? Has she discovered some miraculous way to keep a single garment perpetually fresh? Jerry's confusion mirrors the audience's as the show deliberately avoids explaining this sartorial oddity.
Jerry's Date Keeps Wearing The Same Dress | The Seven | Seinfeld by Seinfeld